Tag Archive | "password"

I Want To End My Flixster Account.. But I Don’t Know My Password Or E-mail It’s Affiliated With?

I created it many years ago but when I search myself on google it shows up and I don’t want it to.

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I Forgot My Email To My Xbox Live Account?

I will make this clear, THE ACCOUNT IS NOT ON MY CONSOLE. I AM TRYING TO GET IT BACK ON MY CONSOLE. Now, I know the password but I dont know the email to recover it. (I only use like 2 passwords for each email adress I make) Is there something I can download or something to tell me my account email? LOL. The only reason I want it on my console is because it has all my DLC on it. From like 2 years ago. All my arcade games, etc. It was my first account, not to mention I bought some original xbox games off the market place as well. Is there any hope for me?
P.S. I’ve already called Microsoft. Apparently I keep getting the secret answer wrong(I’ve been calling about every 2 or 3 days and guessing) And there isn’t supposed to be a credit card on my account either because I was once hacked. Hence the email and password change. Anyways, my mom got the credit card canceled and thrown away. There are no receipts, nothing. I know ALL the billing info, and phone number, and address and etc. When I try to explain to them that there shouldnt be a credit card on the account and it was canceled years ago, they say “Oh, okay, I see” and are of no help. I have NO CLUE what the email is. I’ve tried so many. At least 15. (I make emails alot) Plus, I’ve made a couple for times that I have ran out of xbox live and had a preset free 1 month trial on my account. I’ve owned 2 xbox’s. And I;ve also created accounts to start over on game stats which you cant reset unless its a new account. I’ve done this for multiple accounts on Halo 3 back in the day, and once or twice for MW2. I really want my account back. 🙁

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How Do I Report A Yahoo Scam To Yahoo?

here’s the email I received:
Flag this message
FILL LOGIN DETAILS OR LOSE ACCOUNTFriday, December 17, 2010 12:41 PM
From: “YAHOO ACCOUNT UPGRADE” Add sender to Contacts
To: undisclosed-recipients
Dear yahoo email Owner,
This message is from Account Webmaster messaging center to all yahoo
account owners.
To complete your Email account upgrade,you must reply to this email
immediately and enter your login informations below.
Email address:
Alternative email:
NOTE : Failure to do this will immediately render your email address
deactivated from our database.
Yahoo Email Center.
As of August 30, 2010, Franklin Pierce Law Center has affiliated with the University of New Hampshire and is now known as the University of New Hampshire School of Law. Please note that all email addresses have changed and now follow the convention: firstname.lastname@law.unh.edu. For more information on the University of New Hampshire School of Law, please visit law.unh.edu

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I Really Need Help!!?

my xbox 360 was internally broken i kept my hard drive and got my profile, but i can’t remember any of my login info (email used, password, secret question, anything really), all i remember is my gamer Tag. i really don’t want to make a new one as i have bought things via th market place and would like to have access to my previous purchases. is there a way to just figure out the login info for my file. Please help cause i spent a quite a bit of money at the market place and just want my downloads back.

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Do I Need A Router To Connect To The Internet?

How does establishing an internet connection usually work, not just in the U.S. but around the world?
I’m currently studying in China, in the previous year, I was able to simply connect a cable from the internet port in the wall to my laptop. After that I would have to enter an account name and password, PPPOE.
Which makes me wonder about what a router actually does. The place I’m currently living in has just been built, the major internet line hasn’t been set up yet. I’m curious as to how I would go about setting up the connection.
Previously it seemed I had to buy these cards w/ the account name and pass from specialty stores, the cards were affiliated with the school. As the “dorm” i’m currently living in has no affiliation with the school it seems I have to go register something…not too sure on the details.
So, what does a router? Would I need one? Where does that “internet port” in the wall actually lead o.0?

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