Posted on 23 January 2011. Tags: 1shoppingcart, autoresponder, Cart, Commissions, phone, pros and cons, prospects, Shopping, support, ZEN, zen cart
What are the pros and cons besides the pricing of $99 per month vs. free? Does Zen Cart have support? I feel I need phone support which is an additional fee with 1Shopping Cart. I will be selling downloadable info products. I also need to track affiliates and pay their commissions. The autoresponder is also important. I am concerned about starting with one and losing opted in prospects if I have to switch over. Does anyone have experience with both?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 05 January 2011. Tags: affiliate program, call, cell phone number, phone, phone call, proprietor, site, tube, Website, website advertising
i was on a website exploring opportunities for making income over the internet via using the affiliate program. Now i visited a website advertising for this through a you tube video and somehow the next day i get a phone call from the proprietor of this website! How did he get my cell number just by visiting his site?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 04 January 2011. Tags: 9 months, bf, bodybuilding, boyfriend, car, car insurance, having sex, Insurance, joke, mobile phone, niche, old job, phone, Shop, strong suspicion
I have a serious bf I’ve been with for nearly a year now. I am 22, he is 21.
When I met him he had a niche job (the sort you don’t come by easily), and was making plenty of money. He lost that.
Since then he hasn’t held down a job (he’s had 3 in 9 months, none of which
lasted more than 3 weeks). He hasn’t got any qualifications outside of his old job (horse racing).
He currently works like 20 hours at his parents shop, and manages to pay all his own bills (car, insurance, mobile phone, horse shares). He however practically lives at mine, stays over every night of the week, eats the food that I mostly buy (he occasionally buys himself something, but it’s always enough for only him).
He has never once asked me for money, and I have offered it to him, but no matter how bad his situation has been he’s never accepted, and his bills are always paid on time.
I have recently found out that he quit applying for jobs months ago. I sat down with him and tried to sort out his resume and apply for jobs, but he treated it as a joke, and kept coming up with reasons for why he shouldn’t apply (things like “oh i’m too young, they won’t take me”). I’m not syure if he genuinly thinks he isn’t suitable for work or if he just doesn’t want to.
I have a strong suspicion he enjoys working 4 hours of a morning, going to the gym, then watching cartoons/horse racing at his parents before coming over to mine and getting fed/having sex. He has also said he will only take a job if it doesn’t interfere with his bodybuilding (ie – his 90 mins at the gym every day).
I’m also concerned that his horse bills (he has shares in 8 horses, none of which are good) are going to take over. He manages to pay them, but he really only gets the money through gambling money he actually earns. He pays about $500 a month in horse bills.
I’m scared that if I stay with him, it’s going to be a future of him taking care of himself, and never being able to be part of a couple.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 02 January 2011. Tags: adult site, blog, Cell, cell phone, example url, gay guys, gay men, orginal material, phone, porn women, site, straight males, target audience, thinking, traffic
I was thinking about starting an adult blog doing some affiliate material and quite a bit of original material don’t I get tons and tons of cell phone pictures from guys all over the world all the time. I wanted to some how mix the pics i recieve in with the affiliate material just to keep new orginal material that competitors wouldnt have in. but i have many questions
1. How is my target audience, I know for a face all the guys in the pics i have are straight males so it could be women but gay is a larger market and they will look any way, Should i do Gay porn affiliate Or straight, I considered doing both but haveing both would probably do more harm than just choosing one. Gay guys not interested in straight porn Women not interested in gay men
2. Would i have to pay the guys? I wouldnt be selling the cell phone pics they would be free content like everything else just there hopeing to attract more traffic
3. Legally am i allowed to post their pictures? the pictures were sent from them to me? do i own the pics?
4. Could You give me an example (url) of a successful adult blog? using affiliate stuff
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 24 November 2010. Tags: ace, biz opportunity, Capital, capital funding, Deposit, Funding, medium businesses, money, Number, phone, phone number
Does anyonw know about ACE capital funding. They offer an affiliate biz opportunity . They lend money to small and medium Businesses, but to start they require a deposit. They have a phone number and you can actually can talk to them, but the fact that they want a deposit to start, makes me doubt.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 30 October 2010. Tags: Affiliate, money, payout program, phone, Program, site, traffic
I want to become an affiliate for a reputable all phone apps provider so I can direct traffic to that site and make some money.So..which one has the best overall payout program?
Posted in Featured Articles