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Very Religious Philosophy Prof – How Should I Ask Him A Question?

I want to ask the prof about how to get a good mark on the essay he assigns. I want to know specifically whether or not he cares about the conclusions we come to.
Should I just BS the paper & put down what he wants to hear? I know he’s a devote Catholic & has been affiliated with the sect of Opus Dei.
I went to the office of the ombudsperson to ask about policies. They suggested that I drop the course. The alternative is to go through a long process of filing a petition if I feel a grade I receive is unwarranted (but my grade couldn’t be changed). They pointed out that philosophy isn’t like a math where an answer is right or wrong. There’s more grey area to assign a poor mark to “lack of academic rigour” rather than favouritism towards a particular conclusion.
I just don’t want to receive a bad mark for being honest about my beliefs. How can I ask him how we’re going to be marked without implying that he’ll pick favourites?

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