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Are You Aware That Wall Street Paid For The Soviet Communist Revolution?

Wall Street funded Communists
Professor Sutton stated, “Western textbooks on Soviet economic development omit any description of the economic and financial aid given to the 1917 Revolution and subsequent economic development by Western Firms and banks.” “In the Bolshevik Revolution we have some of the world’s richest and most powerful men financing a movement which claims its very existence is based on the concept of stripping of their wealth,” declared Allen. “[M]en like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, Morgans, Harrimans, and Milners.”
Perloff agreed, “Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., heavily bankrolled the [Communist] revolution. This was reported by White Russian General Arsine de Goulevitch in his book Czarism and the Revolution.” “According to his grandson John,” described Allen, “Jacob Schiff … long-time associate of the Rothschilds, financed the Communist Revolution in Russia to the tune of $20 million.” He continued, “According to a report on file with the State Department, his firm, Kuhn Loeb and Co. bankrolled the first five year plan for Stalin,” and added, “Schiff’s descendents are active in the Council on Foreign Relations today.”
Referring to the emergence of a communist dictatorship which resulted from the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Professor Marrs wrote that they were funded by “Germany and America. … Their repugnant campaign to purify and cleanse Mother Russia and to seek world domination resulted in … [millions of] human beings wiped out and brutally purged…” He attested, “Brown Brothers Harriman” helped finance it with “money made possible by it and the affiliated Guaranty Trust Company.” Professor Sutton agreed, writing “W. Averell Harriman was a director of Guaranty Trust Company” and “was involved in the Bolshevik Revolution.”http://thehiddenevil.com/communists.asp

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