Tag Archive | "secret ingredients"

New Business Approach In Need Of Guidence?

Hi,thanks for reading.
Im in a bit of a dilema, i have been given a business by a dear friend of my dad.
He had invented a cleaning product that is in my opinion the best the market has ever had! not mentioning names but they are nothing good compared to this product…it had even been used in buckingham palace and given the queens stamp of approval ! he has teached me the secret ingredients and method of producing this product but im at a loss where to go with it? When he was in business he did everything solely in his garage at his home & made a comfortable living from it. He ceased in business due to ill health and a marraige breakdown but was on the brink of having large interest by an american cleaning company..not mentioning no names…I am still young at 29 but i am a hard worker and committed to everything i do. I just dont know how to start having little money to start it up again can anyone give me good advise on how to go about things ?
any advise is valuable….thanks

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Why Are People So Against Weed?

Well, seeing as i am not a pot head and im not “brain dead” i think people will be able to see it from a different light.
first of all, there a tons of good things about weed, and plenty of bad things.
some good things are: weed is only harmful to extreme addicts and people who get “bad” weed
its just as bad as alcohol and cigarettes, if not safer
Alot of pot heads i know are not any less intelligent from smoking(actually, some are smart and now are thinking more)
weed is so popular that alot of socially challenged people find a place with pot heads, smoking or not.
(there are tons more but i dont wanna waste time…)
some bad things are:
Weed is a gateway drug
weed has been known to make people more paranoid
weed, just like ANY drug, can be harmful in certain situations
Its plain old illegal.
I think that despite these cons, weed should be legal for a few reasons,
1.would reduce crime because with government regulating it, drug dealers would be non existent (much like the banning of alcohol, weed being illegal creates a market…)
2. With government in full control of weed market,two good things can happen. A. Government can keep weed clean and safe, also keeping records of how much a persons’ doing, so they dont overdose, and what they’re doing (i mean smoking wise) so they dont have “secret ingredients” and B. Government can profit off of it just as the drug dealers are doing, bringing in funds for our economy issue.
3. A lot of people want it. (although i admit it has been voted on, right?)
4. Plenty of people only aren’t smoking because it’s illegal
i know there are more good reasons, so feel free to add them as well. dont give me bogus answers like “it kills brain cells” (its not like your body doesn’t make more) or “it makes you stupid”(you make smoke because your stupid, but your not stupid because you smoke). be honest and fair and dont disrespect me for me deciding to support them, just like i dont disrespect you for not.

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