Tag Archive | "security guard"

Legal For Car To Be Towed From Parking Garage?

So me and my friends we’re longboarding down some companies parking garage pretty late tonight(Saturday) and we parked his car right outside the garage but not in the garage. Now I know longboarding garages is illegal and all trespassing and all that but that’s beside the point. So we’re going down and here sirens and run and hide in the stairwell. Long story short we see police lights off in the distance by our car and sneak out of the garage then my friend, the owner of the car, walks over to it alone without any longboarding gear trying to pretend like he wasn’t affiliated with us. After he gets away and picks us up, he says the security guard of the garage was about to tow his car because he saw one longboard in the back. So pretty much all I’m asking is is it legall for him to tow a car he suspected was affiliated with us simply because there is a longboard in the back? I thought maybe he was just trying to scare us but I have no idea if he has juristiction to do that or not

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Is ‘freedom Of Speech’ A Myth In America?

As Fox News noted in its own coverage of the incident, the network had earlier been covering a story about another apparent Secret Service social networking-related gaffe: Its visit to a 13-year-old Tacoma, Wash., resident at his school, where agents interrogated the boy without his mother present. His infraction? Warning on Facebook that the president should be vigilant against possible terrorist attacks in the aftermath of Osama bin Laden’s death.
Timi Robertson, the boy’s mother, told local Fox affiliate Q13 that she “just about lost it,” when a school security guard called her to inform her that her son was being interrogated. “My 13-year-old son is supposed to be safe and secure in his classroom, and he’s being interrogated without my knowledge or consent privately.”

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