Tag Archive | "Showpieces"

Suggest Me Some Enlightening Great Messages, Pictures, Showpieces, To Place Them On Wall And Showcase.?

We need some very nice messages, thoughts, ideas, and pictures to be placed in our educational company that focuses on spiritual and holistic growth of people. Suggest me some wonderful written messages or picture messages, some great idea or thought that serve as great revelation to the people. Such things that are really very important for people to know but people do not know about it. Some time some misconception or mis-information widely prevail in the society; suggest me something that serve as saviour to the people from that ignorance, the misconception, the myth that prevail in the minds of people by and large. Most of all I want in picture form and really very interesting apart from worth learning.
There are three niche made in the wall horizontally. They are of size 9 by 9 inches. Suggest me something really nice for that also.
Your all contribution here will serve as significant help to the people as we are dedicated for the welfare of people as hundreds of visitors will be seeing them every day. You can also write me on ashvind[at]yahoo.co.in and convey this question to more number of your friends who you feel can really contribute some good things. Thanks to all

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