Tag Archive | "spending time"

Why Do People Want To Affiliate, And Why Don’t I?

I’m not sure why there are so many who are desperate to affiliate with others–to make friends, to fit in. I can understand from some point of view why that’s a natural human drive–it makes sense in an evolutionary context–but it’s not something I’m inclined to do. Although others like me, and I have perfectly competent social skills and physical looks, I always back out of any possible friendship with anyone, since I see no point to it, unless it’s for business. I really don’t care about personally knowing people who might be like me. I wouldn’t want to hang out with me; one of us would end up murdering the other at some point for some practical reason.
I’m getting really tired of people wanting to be friends with me. I keep trying to withdraw, but they treat me like I’m their buddy and want to do things with me, which I do not care for with any person. I’ve heard people take pleasure in companionship, but I don’t seem to. I act on my own and achieve what I want on my own. If I need a business relationship, I’ll make one, but I don’t make friendships for no real reason, or as an end in itself.
So what’s up with me? My parents are starting to lose it. I’m 24, and they’re always talking about how schizoid I am, or how I’m in denial about my desire to affiliate. I’m being honest when I say I don’t take pleasure in having things in common with others, or spending time with others. I don’t consider myself socially incompetent or that I’m unable to act social when necessary, but it’s never because I want to, and is for someone else any time I do it. I’m not shy or timid, and can approach people readily without a problem. It’s not a self-esteem thing; my self-esteem is fine, and I’m generally satisfied with things and myself. Others aren’t; they want me to be more social and outgoing, but I have no desire to. My father’s getting more and more frustrated as time goes on and I continue to lack interest in any kind of companionship or long-term relationship. How is that possible that I don’t feel the same way he does?

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Dating Someone 5 Years Older?

I’m 20 years old and a 3rd year University student in FL. I’m involved in a mentor program for my major, and was paired with a 25 year old guy, who I’m really starting to like ๐Ÿ™‚
The age difference is no problem for me. I’ve always liked guys who are a few years older, and I’m mature for my age. It seems like a good match. We are both interested in the same things (he graduated from my program a few years ago) although we both have different niche interests.
He is really sweet, very attractive, and oddly quirky. I find him so attractive, but he’s not the kind of guy that all the girls are chasing. I think he likes me too. I’d say we are similarly matched in attractiveness, temperament, and other areas. I really enjoy spending time with him, and always enjoy our conversations. He is so cute, and I can tell he gets nervous sometimes when we talk… I know this might not have anything to do with him liking me, but I like to hope so anyway ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m really falling for him.
Mentor pairs are not allowed to date while the program is in session (it runs through May) and that’s fine. Neither of us would do anything against this rule, we are both very professional. My fear is that the program will end and we will just remain professional contacts within each others network. I think we could be more than that (and hope we can be!)
I think that (if he knew I liked him) he would make a move, ask me to hang out, etc. aside from professional events we attend together. I think he’s afraid I’d turn him down, or that I’d think he’s too old, etc.
MY QUESTION: How can I subtly let him know I’m interested? I obviously won’t do anything to break rules of the program, but I think I need to plant the seed that I like him before the program ends. The whole relationship is a little awkward because it’s such a professional setting, yet we are both young (and I like to hope) attracted to each other.
How can I test the waters to see if he’s interested in anything more, yet not make things awkward if he doesn’t want anything more from this? I’m one of those girls who always has a little fear that he won’t like me.. I just don’t want it to be awkward if he’s not interested. On the other hand, what if he is interested and we miss out on something great?
And yesโ€”He’s 100% single.

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