Tag Archive | "squeak"

Would You Ever Buy These Smartphone Apps?

Ok, I made 4 apps, 1 for entertainment, the other 3 are useful. I plan to make them free or $0.99
1. Facebook Plus- it let’s you use the secure version of Facebook, also if Facebook is blocked on your network it will bypass the security (Tested, it works) $0.99
2. Fish Tank- the name is misleading, this is a secret browser that is hidden. The icon blends in, it’s of a happy little fish that I made. $0.99-free
3. Amazon Secure Edition- Let’s you browse the secure version of Amazon.com so hackers won’t get your information, it has the same option as Facebook, if it’s blocked it can bypass security.
4. Pet the Hamster- Cute picture of my hamster, pet him to hear him squeak. Free
would you ever buy any of these, they are currently going through approval with Android Market.

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How Is Japan Doing After The Tsunami And Fukushima Meltdown?

Once fukushima melted down, the news about anything in Japan just disappear in the US. Oh sure there is non stop stock market talk because to this government, money is all there is in the world, but I was wondering if anyone had information on the “human” interest side. Did they totally evacuate that island? Where are the homeless being kept now? Who if anyone is helping them? Why do they want all that information to remain top secret? They continue to have 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 earthquakes daily there and yet not a squeak out of our bought and paid for news media in America. All working for the almighty dollar. If you have any REAL word on the welfare of the tsunami victims I’d like to hear it. If you are just guessing, then keep it to yourself.

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