Tag Archive | "stay at home"

The Money Is In The List, Really?

So is the money really in the list? So if I have 6000 people on my list and I did not sell them a product because I dont have one and I did not use an affiliate program of any sort all I had was this list. Does that mean by the end of the month I will receive $6000 in my bank acc.? If so how?
Reason why I ask is because some unknown person email me with this stay at home job, Please help.

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Have Many Stay At Home Mums/dads Or Any Parents Have This Problem?

I’m due to give birth in June and i’m 23yo. I regret falling pregnant (although, I still love my little baby and am quite looking forward to being a Mum) without establishing some type of niche in a career. I’m finding with the worries of the pregnancy and buying our first house, planning a wedding, that although I wanted all these things in life, I never developed a career. I jumped from degree to degree in the earlier years of my life, took a few yrs off from studying but have finally decided to go with Primary School teaching. I’m not having any luck in getting the prerequisites required and now fretting about will I ever really have a career. I can’t afford to physically attend Uni (I would do a degree online) as we can’t afford childcare and my partner wants me to stay as a stay at home mum until bub goes to school.
Have any other mums or even dads gone through this type of dilemma….and how do you go about working it out?

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