Tag Archive | "stock"

Were You Ever About To Buy A Cheap Stock That Later Went Through The Roof, But Changed Your Mind At The Last..?

I was gonna by ten grand worth of my company stock when it was down to a dollar from it’s usual fifteen or twenty dollars a couple years ago when the stock market was down, and at the last second changed my mind, and then a year and a half later it boomed from a dollar not just back to fifteen or twenty, but to fifty five dollars a share! If I’d put the ten thousand, or even five thousand in I’d be rich, and now I’m kicking myself silly.
but I also realized that our company could have easily declaredbankruptcyy like so many others and I’d have lost all my money, but still it is painful.
Do stock brokers go through this all the time? “Oh man, woulda shoulda coulda” every time a stock goes through the roof but they didn’t buy any.
It’s different for me though, because the ten thousand I wanted to invest anyway, just wasn’t sure where to invest it at the time, and it was my own company stock, and my friends told me to buy it, but for some reason I changed my mind, and my money just sat in my checking account when it could have made me rich.
I feel really bad, since that money would solve everything for me right now in my life, and I was so close. I tried to tell myself that this happens all the time in the stock market, and there’s no way of really knowing what’s gonna happen, but it’s still painful.
Anybody know any secrets to help get me over the guilt?

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Selling Cosmetics Online?

I want to set up a website selling cosmetics etc… Should I buy wholesale lots of makeup etc, so that I could actually make a profit? Or is it possible to “link up” with someone else, such as becoming an affiliate, and sell that way? (e.g, so that I don’t actually have physical stock, just make a small profit on each item that I sell for them) I would preferably like to sell well known brands? Any help would be much appreciated – thanks! 🙂

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Have You Ever Made A Killing On The Stock Market?

what is your secret

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I Am 18 Years Old And I Can’t Work [dead Father] (economy Problem) *portugal*?

Hello Everyone 🙂
I need some a Opinion/Help.
I am 18 years old but i want to start getting my life started
Currently in this year i want to get my Car driver license but i can’t.
My father died about 1 year and half with Stomach cancer, since then we have been receiving Money pension. I want to start working but my mother and my brother don’t let me.
Why do i fix this Dilemma?
Is there anyway for me to win money in the more “Easily” way?
Using some kind of secret in the economy or on the Stock Market
How to Make Money in the Stock Market During the the Economic Crisis and Profit from the Recession?
Is there anyway for me to gain money without loosing my father pension
btw: The pension money doesn’t go for me, it goes for the food. And my brother is a rich guy but he doesn’t tell how to make sucess, HELP?
I am from Portugal
P.S – My mother and my brother and extremely controlling me, i can’t have my own life with them stopping me! (I feel angry, suffocated and annoyed with that)

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

I Am 18 Years Old And I Can’t Work [dead Father] (economy Problem) *portugal*?

Hello Everyone 🙂
I need some a Opinion/Help.
I am 18 years old but i want to start getting my life started
Currently in this year i want to get my Car driver license but i can’t.
My father died about 1 year and half with Stomach cancer, since then we have been receiving Money pension. I want to start working but my mother and my brother don’t let me.
Why do i fix this Dilemma?
Is there anyway for me to win money in the more “Easily” way?
Using some kind of secret in the economy or on the Stock Market
How to Make Money in the Stock Market During the the Economic Crisis and Profit from the Recession?
Is there anyway for me to gain money without loosing my father pension
btw: The pension money doesn’t go for me, it goes for the food. And my brother is a rich guy but he doesn’t tell how to make sucess, HELP?
I am from Portugal
P.S – My mother and my brother and extremely controlling me, i can’t have my own life with them stopping me! (I feel angry, suffocated and annoyed with that)

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

I Am 18 Years Old And I Can’t Work [dead Father] (economy Problem) *portugal*?

Hello Everyone 🙂
I need some a Opinion/Help.
I am 18 years old but i want to start getting my life started
Currently in this year i want to get my Car driver license but i can’t.
My father died about 1 year and half with Stomach cancer, since then we have been receiving Money pension. I want to start working but my mother and my brother don’t let me.
Why do i fix this Dilemma?
Is there anyway for me to win money in the more “Easily” way?
Using some kind of secret in the economy or on the Stock Market
How to Make Money in the Stock Market During the the Economic Crisis and Profit from the Recession?
Is there anyway for me to gain money without loosing my father pension
btw: The pension money doesn’t go for me, it goes for the food. And my brother is a rich guy but he doesn’t tell how to make sucess, HELP?
I am from Portugal
P.S – My mother and my brother and extremely controlling me, i can’t have my own life with them stopping me! (I feel angry, suffocated and annoyed with that)

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)


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