Subs, Amps, Etc…
I know people recommend crutchfield, but anywhere else thats trustworthy?
Posted on 04 March 2013.
Subs, Amps, Etc…
I know people recommend crutchfield, but anywhere else thats trustworthy?
Posted in Featured ArticlesComments (0)
Posted on 15 February 2013.
I started a new job about 8 mths ago. Educational/school counsellor. At first it was hard, but then I found my niche and the bosses went out of their way to say how much they liked my work. (they had an alterior motive, too I think since the previous person in my job went on stress leave because of them, and the wanted to prove they could look after me). But nevertheless things were good.After coming back from summer hols, I’m not sure but things are not so good. In particular something has come from left field. A student has had some major incidents (they are fine now though) and I have not been working on the case – information was not passed on to me very well and I didn’t pick up the gravity of the situation. After the handover I wasnt’ involved in the case, and I wasn’t aware of the importance of the case. Information about the case was passed to my supervisor from the outside agency that dealt with the student, and she came to help us deal with it. Embarrassingly, she told me in front of my on-site bosses what I had to do and taht it was really important. I feel so caught out. I even said to my bosses that I didn’t know much about the case – I feel so embarrassed as it would have seemed like i was ducking for cover. My supervisor is showing she doesn’t trust my work by questioning me on other cases too. I had answers but I feel under scrutiny. It’s as good as a reprimand. I feel so shown up – like my facade is falling down – my reputation changing to that of unreliability.
I feel like I’ve lost my reputation So hard to stop ruminating over this and get back on the front foot
I work in a very high stress job with fairly decent pay – has anyone else been through this? Tips on digging back in despite worries and doubts
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 11 February 2013.
I think there is some sort of conspiracy involving a new world or whatever you wanna call it and it pisses me off but the Illuminati? I haven’t seen enough to support it yet.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 02 February 2013.
Some of those videos are seriously convincing and if you don’t believe me watch some of the kajillion of them yourself. I have told myself your crazy stop obsessing over stupid silly things and just live your life. This is what I have done and I am fine. I don’t let this conspiracy take over my life so I am good with that. But in my life, there is so much technology and media. I have an iPad, iPod, laptop, flatscreen, and my parents house has tons of flatscreens in every room. I see so man commercials, celebrity shows, and cartoons everyday. It isn’t hard to think that the media is controlling us. It really isn’t controlling me, but lots of people do obsess over television shows and commercials lately. Okay , with the demonic stuff. Why would people who rule this country or celebrities want to be apart with the devil. If they made a deal with him, they would only be rich and famous temporarily and then I don’t know what happens to them after that. I don’t understand the goal of satanism or the illuminati or all the other conspiracy stuff. I just want to know what some people think about it. I know there are so many questions regarding this. Trust me, I’m not obsessed with it. I just see so many images everyday in movies, commercials, and it makes me think a little you know. I’m not going to just relax and become a mundane robot in life questioning nothing that the reality of America offers.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 02 January 2013.
I own the copyright of a magazine and a weakly .
I want to sell this stuff to somebody who is interested .if i find a potential buy , how we are going to decide the price of my copyrights , can i legally sell my copyright at a $$$ bigger Price$$$
i know one Yahoo wanted to buy facebook for +$1
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)
Posted on 01 January 2013.
Hi, I’m 19 and I have about 400 dollars that I would like to invest. I’ve looked around online and I’ve found sites such as Etrade and Scottrade, both of which seem like good options for me. However, I’m not very well versed in this stuff and I’ve never dealt with stocks before, so I was wondering if there is a website you’d recommend that is best for beginners? Or one that is cheaper per trade (I think Etrade is $10.00 per trade and Scottrade is $7.00, though I could be wrong on how that works)? I think it’s pretty obvious that I don’t know much about this stuff, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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