Tag Archive | "thanks in advance"

Could Someone Translate This To Good French Please?

hello, Yahoo’ers, I have to make a presentation for my French class and i have this task, but I don’t get it anymore since I find French to be hard, so i need to have 1 good mark for French and then I can drop the whole class, so could someone translate this to good French
(yes, i know i won’t learn anything from this but I will drop the whole class anyway)
NO GOOGLE TRANSLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance, here is the text:
Coca-Cola is a popular soft drink, it plays a big role in our culture due it’s wide availability, there is a 98% chance that it is available at the nearest shop. Coca-Cola is available in every country in the world with the exception of Cuba, North-Korea, Sudan, Iran and Burma. Coca-Cola is known for containing lots of sugar and due it’s symbolism of America and pairing together with fast-food it is also widely known for being junk-food and a drink for fat people. Nobody knows what Coca-Cola contains exactly, but it is known that it contains: caffeine, sugar, carbonated water and caramel but the exact composition and recipe remains secret. only 5 people in the world know the recipe and they never travel together to increase the chance that they won’t die all at the same time. Some people say it’s secret to remain the head of the market while others say it’s secret because of disturbing contents that is might hold.

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Subjects To Create A Lucrative Website?

I am planning to build a website for some time now, i have a few ideas in mind, but i would like to know which subject areas are more lucrative than the others what competition is there for the advertisers and what product and services are sold in that particular niche. as i would like to make a small part time income from the site.
Please help with a list of subjects, Thanks in advance.

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The Best Plr Membership Site To Download Articles?

Well, I’m new in internet marketing. I’m using plr articles but they are not cheap. Currently I’m looking for a plr article membership site which will enable me to download plr articles at a monthly fee. Please help.
P. S- I’m not looking for memberships that sends out random niche articles every month. I’m looking for sites where I can download whatever articles I want from their database. Thanks in advance

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What Is The Yearly Salary For A Biomechatronic Engineer?

I’ve been doing a lot of research on biomechatronic engineering as a career option in the future, and I was wondering what the yearly salary for that specific field would be. I’ve tried searching on the MIT website or other sites affiliated with biomechatronics, however I cannot find any hits on salary.
If somebody who works in that field could tell me what the range may be, that would be wonderful.
Thanks in advance.

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Where Do Affiliate Networks Sell Their Leads To?

Can anyone tell me of any companies who buy leads? I’m looking to sell brand new leads, obtained by me for people signing up to receive free samples/trials. Leads are for female and males living in the UK, US, Canada and Australia, in case these details help!
Thanks in advance for any ideas 🙂

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Affiliate Questions For You?

what is the best website,with the most followers on the internet to post my affiliate links on/advertise that will more than likely produce results..
thanks in advance,

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