Tag Archive | "thanks in advance"

What Are Some Good Books On Affiliate Marketing?

Interested in taking a crack at some affiliate programs. Need to learn as much as possible. Figured I’d start with some old fashion self educating. Any good books you could recomend? Thanks in advance.

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Help Please????????????!?

I have a special occasion coming up and fell in love with this dress I found but really need it in black? Could you please see if you could find a similar dress to the one in this link, but in black?
Heres the link:
Also, it doesn’t have to have buttons, thanks in advance and best answer gets 10 points!!!

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Is There Google Adwords Affiliate Or Refer Program?

Was wondering if someone knows anything that allows you refer your customers i.e for adwords so you can get some revenue for referral?
Thanks in advance

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How Did Someone Get Access To My Google Account?

So I go onto google today as per usual, however in the top left corner instead of say +You or whatever (since I don’t have a google+ account) it says Adrian. Now this somewhat confused me since I have never had any interest in making a google+ account. So I click on the page and the name on the account is Adrian Goerze or something, and upon googling his name, I realise he goes to my school. Now even though he goes to my school, I have no idea who he is.
A couple of ideas I have come up with are that he may have been able to access my google account because I logged in on youtube on a school computer, however surely he would need my password in order to make such an account. Also yesterday (though I doubt this is the case) someone installed like a proxy server on my laptop so I can get through the school firewall, so idk if that means anything. Either way I just wanted to throw this out there because I was wondering if anything truly negative could come of it (accessing my e-mail and stuff), I deleted the profile of course.
Thanks in advance 🙂

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How Can I Not Get Ripped Off?

So I’m considering selling some of my old silver scrap lying around for a bit of extra cash, but I don’t want to get ripped off or gouged. I know anyone who buys precious metals go by the market spot price on any given metal so I checked the spot price on silver when the market closed today and it was going for $30.40 per ounce. I know that metal weights are different in that they use troy ounces (31.1 grams) and I did the math and sterling silver is going for $0.98 cents per gram. So I decided to weigh my silver… turns out I have 981.6 grams of sterling silver which adds up to 31.56 troy ounces, which with a little math applied means it’s worth, based on the spot price which I know can change hourly, about $961.95. That’s a nice chunk of change. So now my actual and very important question: how much or what percentage or what cut (however you want to phrase it) do the buyers usually take? It seems to be a closely guarded secret and varies significantly from place to place. I know that the buyer has to pay for the refining if the metal has any extra allowing, like solder, but trying to offer me $40.00 for 6.07 troy ounces of silver (about $185.00) worth of refined sterling silver a few months ago when the spot price was roughly the same seems like an outright blasphemous rip off of more than 50% of it’s worth. I forgot to mention that I’m a jeweler so you can bet I didn’t sell my silver for $40 bucks. Scandalous. What’s the decent industry standard deduction for selling precious metals? Thanks in advance!

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I’m Moving Across The Country. School Tips?

Im 13. Right now, I’m in a perfect position. I have a great school, perfect friends. I guess you could say im in my niche. my mom is moving us across the country in February. Im popular at my school, and really nice. When I go to my new school, however, I’ll know no one, with no idea what that class has learned when everyone knows each other and where they belong. PLEASE DON’T SAY ” JUST SMILE AND SAY HI.” because that doesn’t seem to work. People glare at me like I’m a plague. Bleh. I’m just wondering what you would do in my situation. My sister in law lives across the country and says people act and dress a lot different than the people here do.I kind of want to be homeschooled, but I won’t really know anyone then. THANKS IN ADVANCE:)

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