Tag Archive | "traffic"

How Much Traffic Does My Sports Blog Need To Join The Yardbarker Network?

Hi everyone, I recently started a soccer blog less than 10 days ago, and have had pretty good traffic (much better than I had anticipated) of about 3,000 pageviews per week. I feel as though what I write about is a niche that has potential for even more viewers, and I think joining Yardbarker would help me rank up in Google, give me better Pageranks, increase my viewership, and allow me to get sports photos for my blog. The question is, does anyone know how stringent they are? Do I need more pageviews, would they not accept me just because I’m new? Your comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Starting From Scratch, How Long Does It Take To Start Earning Money With Affiliate Marketing?

Is this a long term process or are there ways to speed it up through taking smart steps?
I realize that you must start a website and add great content and get traffic.
How long does this usually take?

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How Can I Use Pinterest To Advertise My Website?

I’ve got a niche classifieds site so I have an abundance of pics. How can I use Pinterest in a legitimate way to gain relevant traffic?

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Pricing On Selling My Website?

I own a website, the only website, with the person’s actual name, based on an internet star. The person who it’s based on gets 200,000 views a day… mine, at the moment, 100 per day. Reason my count is so low is because I JUST finished it. I don’t have the time nor energy to keep on with it and would like to sell it. I think, due to the name itself and the fact that the person’s 200k views a day could translate big into my traffic, and there is a lot of room for advertising on the over 3,000 pages of the site, I would market the website on an auction with the Buy-It-Now price at about $119,000, and set the reserve at $75,000. I’ll just be testing the waters. Since it’s a niche market I don’t have many comps, but the person who gets 200k views a day makes mid 6-figures, has 75k subscribers, and I think his traffic, due to the nature of the site, can mean big traffic on my site.
So, what I’m consulting ya’ll YA folks, is do you think $75k-$120k is too much? Too little? Just right? Even if you need more information, based on what I’ve said, what do you think would be reasonable?

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How Can I Get Traffic To My New Classifieds?

I just launched a classifieds site in a particular niche market and have done a small email campaign with reasonable success, but how can I get more traffic from the web? I don’t think I want to hire anybody-I’m looking for tips that I can do myself.

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What Is Your Biggest Pain If You’re A New Online Business Owner?

for example: from finding a domain, finding a niche, traffic, lead generation, etc.? What seems the most daunting to you as a new online business owner.

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