Posted on 13 September 2010. Tags: boyfriend, everything, exodus international, extent, informative books, intensive therapy, Realize, relationship, Spiritual, spiritual illness, suicide, teenage son, tragic situation, trouble
Last week, our teenage son told us that he is gay, and that he has a boyfriend. Obviously, this is completely unacceptable, but we understand that our son has a serious mental and spiritual illness. However, we are having trouble getting him to acknowledge that he is not gay despite doing everything right as far as I can see, and wondered if anyone had ideas on how best to handle this tragic situation.
We’ve spoken to him at length, but instead of being agreeable, he bursts into tears and threatens suicide: the latter threat has strained our family to the extent that one of us needs to watch him at all times to make sure he doesn’t do anything silly before he can be cured. Our pastor has spoken to him without better results: he suggested we contact Exodus International, which we have. We have already arranged for my son to receive intensive therapy from a program affiliated with Exodus International. While awaiting the start date of the therapy, our son has access to several informative books such as “Coming out Straight,” which he has been refusing to read with any enthusiasm. Lastly, we’ve blocked all communication between this corrupting boyfriend and my son so the wrong relationship no longer exists.
Any ideas?
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 25 August 2010. Tags: brass knuckles, broken bones, fight, law, pair, punch, punishments, talking trash, trouble
Let’s say hypothetically me and this kid have been giving each other glances and talking trash to each other for a couple of weeks possible maybe like 2 months. If we both agree to meet somewhere like at a friends house and fight and he throws the first punch could either of us get in trouble (like with the law), also what would the differences in the punishments be in the following, one time I come unarmed and beat him badly no broken bones just hurt and bruised, second if I brought a pair of knuckle dusters ( brass knuckles) and really hurt the kid like couple of broken bones. I want to just know (I dont even own a pair of knuckel dusters) cant get them here illegal to even own. Any help appreciated but someone who is affiliated with the law would be best thank you.
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 25 August 2010. Tags: bastard, camp counselor, counselor, counselors, curse words, f word, Facebook, fml, handful, morning, phished, Reason, status, trouble
Recently one night early in the morning (like 1-2) I posted a status on my page, not directed to anybody, due to one kid constantly chatting me to get my account phished for no reason. So, I got tired of it and posted a status using a handful a curse words (bastard, F-word, and sh!#)…
Now, happy I’m not getting more messages by this person, my friend responds days later and says that my camp counselor saw this and told the guy in charge, we’ll call him Mr. A.
I don’t plan on going back to the Camp at all, seeing as how I haven’t been going anyway and I’m probably not going next year. Mr. A and this camp and its counselors used to be affiliated with my school but this year they branched off.
My question is, how can I get in trouble, and WHY did the counselor (she’s a girl and my friend, but shes like 18 and im 13) just HAVE to tell Mr. A. He’s probably just gonna talk to me in private if I were to ever go back to the camp but I’m afraid something might go down at my school (We’re having a new principal).
fml. answers are appreciated
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 13 August 2010. Tags: adult content, ccleaner, computer, Fortiguard, Home, knowledge, oriented material, overwhelming sense, private browsing, private computer, researh, school premises, temporary internet files, trouble, web filtering software
So here is the story: I logged onto a school website (on my home laptop – no way affiliated with the school) so that I could check what my schedule would be for next year. Unknowingly, I somehow activated my schools web-filtering software on my computer. I closed the tab (and I think the whole browser) when I was done. I then entered into Private Browsing and searched some… adult oriented material. I got a Fortiguard web filtering page that said that the page was blocked due to adult content. i then cleared my computers Temporary Internet Files and cache and stuff using CCleaner and tried again. This time i could go anywhere on the web…
Due to an overwhelming sense of curiosity, I tried it again and got blocked again. I was only after doing researh on Fortiguard that I found out it logs my query and the IP address.
Anyway, my question is: As this apparently gets logged along with the IP address… does my school have any right to get me in trouble for this? Like could I get in trouble, or anything?
It is middle of the summer, on a private computer (my parents bought it, the school has nothing to do with it), off school premises and without my knowledge…
Also, do they have a right to activate the web-filtering without my knowledge or consent? No where on the site does it say that this occurs…
Posted in Featured Articles
Posted on 14 July 2010. Tags: binary file, file, Format, Game, little trouble, ppc format, trouble, Velocity
I’m having a little trouble downloading this game, because it is a binary file and it is in a PPC Format so i really don’t know what to do.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing Tips, Featured Articles