Tag Archive | "university"

What Is Better……robotics Or Extc??????

Robotics or Electronics and Telecommunication engg…..also mention job opportunities and salaries if i do it from a mumbai university affiliated college

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Which Is Good ,to Study In A Deemed University Or An Anna University Affiliated Colleges?

you cant beat the libary

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How Do I Become An Environmental Science Teacher?

I am currently in university studying environmental science Bsc (Hons) and want to go into teaching afterwards. I was wondering if their was a niche market of environmental science teachers or if the subject was split up between the main three sciences.

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How Do I Become An Environmental Science Teacher?

I am currently in university studying environmental science Bsc (Hons) and want to go into teaching afterwards. I was wondering if their was a niche market of environmental science teachers or if the subject was split up between the main three sciences.

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Iam Bds Third Year Student. I Want Transfer In Another College Please Help.what Are Dci Rules?

my college is affiliated to ccs university. I want to change the college in same university or different university

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If Chairman Running 2 Or 3 Colleges In The Same Building Then Where I Complint For That.but I Did’t Come In Fr?

chairman running 2 colleges in the same building i.e degree course and graduation course both are affiliated from different university .they also did’t paying salary according to AICTE norms just giving 8-10 thousand Rs to all the staff members.i did’t come in front but give the proper information according that matter.

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