Posted on 29 August 2011. Tags: business venture, exact figures, gaming network, Home, idea, Management, management experience, niche market, platform, play, play games, ps3, video games, xbox 360, youngsters
any idea, how do you set something like this up business wise, what i want to do is, set up a platform for xbox 360 and ps3, where people come online and play games at a price, i could probably do this from home, because i have a pc, 360 and ps3 at home, not sure what niche market to have, it is mostly teenagers or youngsters that play video games, i want to keep the idea open to all ages, how much money do you need to achieve this though, i can’t give exact figures but currently i have between 4 and 6 thousand in savings, would that be enough to start a business venture.
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101
Posted on 05 December 2010. Tags: anatomy, health, health biology chemistry, kind, medicine, niche, person, Science, science health, sports medicine, Unsure, video games
I’m the kind of person that knows a good bit about a lot of different topics. Sports, computers, video games, science, health, biology, chemistry, sports medicine, anatomy, guitar, etc
I know a decent amount about these things but I’m not an “expert” in any field. So how do I go about choosing a blog “niche”?
Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101