Tag Archive | "wet dreams"

Suddenly Into “furries”?

I’ve never considered myself to be a very sexually open person but lately I’ve been having odd fantasies that fall into – what I’ve learned to be – the “furry” niche. I don’t think there’s anything from my childhood or early adolescence that could have brought this on, and I bring this up because these types of issues always come from childhood, but it basically all started when I was having brunch with my friends and this guy in a gorilla costume walks into the place. I don’t really know who he was promoting for, I think it was like the Planet of the Apes movie or something but I started having really weird wet dreams about him. Like I all I could think about were the black-dyed gorilla gloves all over my body and how weird and kinda kinky and cool it’d be to be staring at a gorilla mask. I think that, also, the fact that I think gorillas have really large, scary genitalia is also a turn-on.
As a result I haven’t been able to really get along sexually with a lot of the guys I go out on dates with and I’m wondering if this is a short-term thing, or if I need to start looking for groups of similar people if I actually want to feel sexually satisfied?
Any suggestions that anybody who has been in a similar situation can give will be very much appreciated. Thanks.

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