Tag Archive | "work from home job"

I Think My Computer Has Been Hacked?

I recently applied for a job and received a call back via email since the email my computer has been acting pretty strange for instant it runs slow and before it didn’t. The person said he/she was affiliated with Flextronics and I looked into it and it was a legitimate company with offices around the world. So the “hiring manager” said it was a work from home job. I’ve never done a work at home job before so I couldn’t tell you what to look for and what not to look for. I called the local company but never received a call back. Since communicating with the hiring manager my computer has been acting strange and recently I received a pop up on my screen detecting a virus with a countdown attached it scared the heck out of me. I did a virus scan on the computer and it didn’t detect anything im afraid because i think its an undetectable virus. Also they have my address and telephone number through my resume. Also i’ve been receiving strange calls on my cell from an 8888 number a 000-000-000 number and an unavaliable call several times since applying. If someone out there knows about this please help me. Thanks
Oh and the “hiring manager” goes under Rechard Dearman or Richard Dearman and Flora Houston

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