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Is It Possible To Like Both Owls And Crows?

I really like crows, and I have a small collection of stuffed ones I’ve found at flea markets and gift shops (their names are Duke, Jeremy, Onyx, and Straw Hat) and I’ve made a few little ones out of felt (their names are Big Bertha, Sonny, Maryanna, and Mildred). However, with the upcoming movie “The Owls of Ga’hoole” being promoted these days, I’ve noticed really cute little beanie babies of all the main owl characters…I have about three of them, and they are nestled next to Duke and Jeremy w/out apparent problem.
However, I am in conflict about this bcuz I read somewhere that crows and owls have always had enmity b/tw them (this is why Jeremy refuses to enter the chamber of The Great Owl in The Secret of NIMH). But I don’t have anything against owls, myself – and I happen to think barn owls in particular are pretty darn cute. πŸ™‚ I also like Bob and Terry from Where the Wild things Are. πŸ™‚ However, when I picked up the second book of the Owls of Ga’Hoole series to flip thru it, I was so put off by the disparaging manner in which they talk about crows in the first chapter, that I decided to skip over that part. I do plan to see the movie, though, when it comes out, cuz it looks darn cute. πŸ™‚ Could someone help me with this owls vs. crows dilemma? For that matter, why did they become enemies in the first place? Why can they just get along, as the old saying goes?

No Responses to “Is It Possible To Like Both Owls And Crows?”

  1. aussiege says:

    Sure, you can like both. Owls are nocturnal and tend to not be active when crows are. Crows will divebomb almost anything they perceive as a threat, and that can include an owl sitting on a fencepost out in the open. But our Great Horned owls roost during the day in the branches of our oak trees and are not bothered by the crows nearby. Both species coexist just fine from what I’ve observed. So collect all the owls and crows you want!

  2. Pink says:

    why not, thats like asking if a person can like dogs and cats. personally I have 5 diffrent kinds of birds and 2 dogs and I love them all. I don’t cats but have ton of little glass ones

  3. Lovie 14836 says:

    Yes you can like both


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