has anyone started an affiliate marketing program and what advise can you provide? I am also looking for ideas regarding niches and trends. Thanks!
Posted on August 21, 2010.
has anyone started an affiliate marketing program and what advise can you provide? I am also looking for ideas regarding niches and trends. Thanks!
I’m a long term affiliate marketer and I would advise you to get into the financial sector. Payday loans, credit counseling, Forex, and credit repair all have high payouts.
Online Profits has a free training program. There is a link on my profile.
potpiegirl.com has some great free info too
I’ve tried tons of them. There are 3 good ones that I recommend and links to all 3 are on my profile.
Affiliatenaire – I think this is the best for beginners. I wish I had found it first. Rather than throw a bunch of info at breaks it down into bite size tasks and gives you one task a week over the course of a year. I like it because I don’t have to think, just follow simple instructions.
One Week Marketing – This teaches how to create “set and forget campaigns”. Lays out a plan to create one “set and forget campaign” each week using a series of small daily tasks. Great info, but some people complain that the author’s writing style is hard to follow.
Online Profits – This was mentioned in a previous answer. It is good and very comprehensive, but there is a lot of info and can be overwhelming for beginners. I only recommend this for those who absolutely can’t afford Affiliatenaire.