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How Are Species Replaced After Going Extinct?

Even before humans entered the scene, many species of plants and animals were extinct and have been going extinct ever since the first organisms evolved on Earth. New ones constantly are evolving to fill niches and adapt to changing environments. Why are we even concerned about endangered species? If one species goes extinct won’t another replace it? Do we need all of these species anyway? Should humans have the right to inhabit anyplace we want to without worrying about which little animal/plan/fungus we trample?

No Responses to “How Are Species Replaced After Going Extinct?”

  1. lion.spi says:

    It’s called natural evolution. Lots of species both by their own making and our making have been replaced by others. The only way to kill off all life is for the planet to explode. Otherwise, there will always be life adapting to their surrounding environments.

  2. oikos says:

    The problem is not the number of species that have gone extinct but the rate at which they have been going extinct recently. Even the extinction of the dinosaurs, generally considered to have happened quickly (in geologic terms) took a few million years. Humans have only been around for about 10,000 years and have wiped out a humongous number of species. That’s why we worry. New species don’t evolve that quickly. I know of only one that evolved in historic times.

  3. ADMIRAL says:

    You are correct in your assumption.Let me explain you,Earth itself has a self life like any planet,Consider you have Ideal environment in world,Total life of earth is X, life of a specific Plant or animal is Y,by your polluting Atmosphere,use of atomic power,Industrialisation ,noise,water pollution,etc., you are reducing the life of earth & all plants & animals, by enhancing the Process of decay.So now life of earth will be X-spoiling environment by humen,Life of animal , Y- pollution by humen.Biggest enemy to environment is Humen only.Admiral V K Singh


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