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If I Choose My Religion Is It Really Faith Or Belief?

I fail to see the justification in following a religion simply because I was born in a certain location and because an Anglican school happened to be the best school in the area.
In Church of England belief, God made me and chose the circumstances of my birth and so He chose my religious circumstances but if I follow that reasoning then he also gave me logical parents who believe in “God” but do not practice any religion. The logic of the parents God gave me to tells me that I should question the fact that if my religion is right because I was born into it then Islam is right for people born into it and the same goes for every other religion.
If all of these religions are right then none are wrong and if I am not currently affiliated with any specific religion and if no religion is wrong then it is up to me to choose which to follow.
If I CHOOSE a religion, is it still faith, belief or just choice? And does that matter?

No Responses to “If I Choose My Religion Is It Really Faith Or Belief?”

  1. xpatinas says:

    A belief is something that you hold. A conviction is something that holds you.

  2. NewlyBor says:


  3. Realansw says:

    Belief is thinking a path is correct. Faith is actually acting on the belief and taking that path–traveling down that path. A truism is, “faith without works is dead.”

  4. Tapestry says:

    Many people are born in to a faith but realize
    its not for them when they are an adult and chose another.
    Except for cults, or possibly Moslems, who make people stay with them or die,
    I never heard of any Christian organization that says you have to stay,
    faith means you believe in all the tenets and believe they are all True.
    It takes courage to find the faith that rings Truth, not everyone will even attempt
    the path because it might mean sacrifice on their part.

  5. Carlos says:

    I think it should start with your awareness – of yourself, and surrounding reality. You must be fully conscious, as much as possible. It’s because you have to be conscious enough to be aware of GOD’s presence. GOD is not merely with you. HE is actually IN you. And supposedly HE is even very much closer to you than you are to yourself. The Holy Bible teaches you can’t come to JESUS unless you are drawn towards HIM by the unseen GOD the Father. All of us – each and every single one of us human beings – will be taught by this unseen GOD the Father. Only those who listen to HIM and learn from HIM can come to JESUS. Otherwise, you don’t come to JESUS at all. You end up somewhere else. And when you come to JESUS you will instantly recognize this unseen Father in JESUS. Now, where you find JESUS, that is the true religion, that is the true Church. Finding JESUS is all that matters. And the way to find HIM is as I have already described.
    You ask about faith, belief, and choice.
    Free choice is important. It’s because Heaven is all a matter of choice. You end up in Heaven because that is what you’ve always really wanted all along. You end up somewhere else because you really didn’t want to have anything whatsoever to do with Heaven.
    GOD created you. HE designed your heart and mind. In such a manner that left completely free – nothing and nobody stopping you, nothing and nobody pushing you in some other direction – you will be on a straight road back home to HIM.
    Check this out. You must be left completely free. Like I said, nothing and nobody stopping you, nothing and nobody pushing you in some other direction.
    Now, faith is not mere belief. There can be no such thing as mere belief. The thing must naturally stand firmly on a combination of knowledge and understanding. If you know nothing and understand nothing you cannot have any kind of belief whatsoever. Now, knowledge and understanding equals awareness.
    The word faith derives from Latin fidere which means to trust. Faith is therefore, a belief that has become reliable and trustworthy. And that happens only when belief is made to stand firmly on a very solid and strong combination of knowledge and understanding. In other words, full awareness.
    What is the matter with the world is that people have allowed the ever present negative influences in life to drag their awareness – of themselves, and surrounding reality – down to very low unacceptable levels. It’s now too low even for ordinary purposes of day to day living. In terms of the essential requirements for developing true spirituality people are barely conscious. They’re actually half-asleep.
    Full awareness. We’ve got to have it. Or maybe, we’ve got to have it back, recover it, somehow.

  6. daughter says:

    My son, keep My words, and lay up My commandments with thee. 2, Keep my commandments, and live; and My law as the apple of thine eyes. 3, Bind them upon you fingers, write them upon the table of your heart ,
    Why does G-D not say My Daughter? When man was first made man image was in the image of G-D having two sides male and female. Now, G-D of heaven and earth, are but One G-D, our Male above and Woman below. Job 33:4 The Spirit of G-D (woman) made me ( one breath, flesh, sin, death, earth, dust) but the breath of the Almighty G-D gives me life. ( above, second breath, a child of earth has labored putting sin out of their lives, and has been given blessings in the work, for we can do nothing in our selves on less G-D is working through us. A child male or female when they are brought forth in the appointed time, for the Spirit of G-D makes ready the seed and holds it in her hidden part until it is ready to be birth through the channels of waters, the birth waters.
    Psalm 18:15 Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered( we keep the covenant of day and night our raiment ) at Thy rebuke, (we have turned form sin), O LORD, at the blast of the breath of Thy nostrils. (we are male or female who turned to G-D alone and let the holy union take place, G-D drew near, and the smell to G-D’S nostrils was pleasing to G-D, and we were given blessings and the kiss of the Almighty G-D, we are covered in the raiment of His bow, the stone that is under the thrown of G-D Most High, the everlasting covenant of day and night.
    Psalm 18:15 Then the channels of waters were seen, and the Foundation of The World were discovered at My rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of Thy nostrils.
    16, He sent form above, He took me, He drew me out of many waters.
    17, He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were to strong for me.
    Now, think, who is your enemy here on earth? And who is it that hates you. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against Powers, against the Rulers of The Darkness of This World, against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.
    In the day of Noah the fallen angels were mixing with the daughters of men. Their in our DNA and they back then were are mixed breed, there were more of them than the seed of G-D upon the earth. Jesus, was not G-D, but said, he was a son of G-D that over came the world. As we are all to over come this world that now like in the days of Noah and Abram is in a great horror of darkness, and we are in a fear full deep sleep that through generation after generation that these fallen of heaven has had created the war weapon against G-D and man. Worlds Many Religions, men kill men in the name of their god, and down through out our history you can look back and see what the fallen have done. Yes, we have our eyes covered by the lie and deceit, as it is written in Ps.18:17 deliver me from my strong enemy. Only G-D can deliver us, only G-D can take us and give us our second breath.
    Genesis 27:27 And He *came near, and *kissed him: and He *smelled the smell of his *raiment, and *blessed him, and *said *, *See, the smell of *My son is as the smell of a field which the LORD hath blessed: Then read Genesis 28:20, 21 ask for the blessings, for the journey with G-D hand and hand and make the vow and G-D will make His vow to you to keep you, in the state of peace, so you can come again to the House of G-D above and below, again and again. For it is written G-D has been our dwelling place for all GENERATION.
    Now people pray and say god does not hear me, I go to church or I receive all the sacraments, I go the mass, I receive the bread of Jesus, I go to confession, And other religions there church law, the law of man books read what G-D says about them Ecc. 12:12 and the customs Jer. 10:2.
    G-D does not hear them, or draw near enough to hear them due to their many sins they embrace every day, they welcome in the spirit of the fallen that hunt us down and want our blood. Ezekiel 13:20,21,22,23 The Kerchiefs, and the Watchmen Song of Solomon 3:3
    Look and See what makes G-D happy and why G-D of heaven and earth keeps the appointed ordinances of heaven and earth with a child of earth, that keeps the covenant of day and night.
    psalm 18:19 He brought me forth also into a large place; He delivered me, because He delighted in me. 20, The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness: according to the cleanness of my hands hath he compensate me.
    We are all mixed seeds due to the chaos of the fallen angels. G-D has given all the same: Jeremiah 31:27 Psalm 75:8

  7. christopher ramos says:

    All religions can be wrong but not all can be true since they all make claims which contradict each other buddhist believe there is no God but rather a universal conciseness so to speak. While Christians as myself believe there is a God. I think you might be committing the genetic fallacy which is trying to disprove a belief by showing how a belief originated. For example I believe gravity because my parents taught me it. But does that mean gravity is false? That is logically equivalent as to saying I believe in God because my parents taught me but does that mean God does not exist? Let me say a belief should be justified if you have good arguments to show it to be true which would does make it reasonable to believe it. Now to believe it to be true than I go on purely personal experience in which if I am in the appropriate circumstances to form a belief in God than I am justified. Let me give a analogy suppose I see a tree I am in the appropriate circumstances to form a belief in the trees existence. But say my friend was not in the appropriate circumstances to form belief in the trees existence. Does that mean I am not justified in not believing in the tree? No I am still justified. In the same way I am justified in believing in a God. So I would encourage you to look at the arguments of Natural theology and to look at the arguments for each religion and have you decide which is more reasonable. I think Christianity


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