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Do You Think Religious People Would Believe What I Have To Say?

We didn’t come from apes, we are apes and extremely leathals ones too.
Here is an axiom or paradigm for you:
As cave men did we struggle to even contemplate our existence as we looked to the stars barely literate and utter the word Goh! Goh! which became GOD. Oh it must be GOD!
Primitively evolved ego blames god and the devil and puts everything in little boxes in the mind in order to recognize and relate to them. This weakness exploited by others for purposes of social division, avarice greed and power over others as we beat our chests in satisfaction.
The hunt was successful today!
as a starting point for deducing and inferring other (theory dependent) truths. The key aspect of our humanity seems to be our morals and beliefs.
The ability to change, adapt, and create the ability to carry out a coherent logical conclusion. This is one factor that allows us to change ourselves and adapt to a changing world.
To construct and stabilize our morals we must begin with some principles held as axioms and logically derive from those axioms conclusions which become our morals.
Our ability to radically change ourselves and our original axiomatic belief system accounts for the other half of our ability to change, adapt, and create.
We have advanced so far in terms of knowledge, society, and technology. Yet there is still so much more to create and discover. What will propel us is ultimately our humanity. And we have seen that stability and change make us human. In this yin-yang sort of duality, these two aspects of our nature–the desire for tradition and stability and the excitement brought on by radical revolution–synergistically combine to form what we call humanity and human nature. We have discovered our secret weapon: two conflicting yet supporting principles that guide our ever-shifting path into the future.
In terms of God I think it’s very interesting that creationism, (a consequence of the evolving ego) has produced a mental mechanism that can often forgive us for what ever we do, and also creates a solution to what we can’t explain.
In my opinion we are a very counter productive and self destructive species which still struggles to break the mold of mindless facile and frivolous cultural perpetuation as a result of many given leader types or peerage consumed with avarice, falsely empowering ones self and self preservation. This behavior and moral standards learned and then perpetuated pervasively throughout any given culture.
E.G. exploitation of the weak or primitively evolved ego, the sinister inciting of coups and the best products that can possibly benefit man kind are not brought to market because the don’t make enough profit.
Wealth is power and can influence government policy, the cultural foundations of which will typically be built upon the exploitation of others as one capitulates to avarice thoughts and feelings ultimately aspiring to self preserve and acquire power. These standards are set thus learned and perpetuated down through the hierarchical ranks of any given culture. Rotten peerage = rotten culture.
No one asks to be born here and no one asks to leave.
“Cogito, ergo sum” (Usually translated in English as: “I think, therefore I am”
Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.” – Albert Einstein, “Religion and Science”, New York Times Magazine, November 9, 1930
Man creates god in his own insane image. He needs someone to forgive him for the terrible treacherous deeds he he has to commit as he strive to succeed at the demise of the next man.

No Responses to “Do You Think Religious People Would Believe What I Have To Say?”

  1. Mr. Smartypants says:

    First of all, Descartes did not say ‘Cogito ergo sum’. What he actually said was ‘Je pence donc je suis’. 8^) Apparently at some point he was misquoted by some ancient Romans.
    Your argument is very clever and cerebral. It certainly has its merits. I even found it entertaining.
    But religious people don’t work arguments the way you do (and I do). A logician or scientist begins with premises and uses them to derive a conclusion. Religious people begin with the conclusion. Then they winnow out the premises that don’t support that conclusion. An argument that disproves one’s beliefs is simply an invalid argument, ipso facto.

  2. TERRY C says:

    well, to be honest my friend, i would say that your question became so long and spattered with big words that is anyone can understand it enough to answer it, they would probably agree with you.
    would it not have been enough to simply say that you are an athiest?

  3. KeyshaJ says:

    I don’t think many will understand what you have to say. Try and summarise that message using words you actually understand the meaning of.

  4. W E says:

    Depends on which religious people you read it too. Fundamentalists would ignore you and call you names. Others may be more open minded.

  5. Siloam Tech says:

    The existence of diabolical evil is one sure reason I do not believe in evolution. It makes no sense to me that natural processes would develop it.

  6. muslimah says:

    but but but there is Allah:)

  7. Not a religious nut job says:


  8. Abomination Of Desolation says:

    This is really more of a rant and your question is a hypothetical :/

  9. Jake Swoon says:

    uhhh u really think people are gona read all that maybe you should shorten it a bit.

  10. Sirensong sunshine says:

    The bit about Goh! becoming God only works in English. Not sure early homo erectus spoke English (or the Germanic languages at its root).
    I’d take that out, it opens you to ridicule

  11. Anna Galaxia says:

    Everything you refer to is solved by higher consciousness.
    Our creators created us in their image and they are refined beings of higher consciousness and not apes. All the imperfection on earth is manmade including religion.
    With higher consciousness and the advancement of scientific knowledge we are becoming the equal of our creators and are moving into the golden age of peace on earth for all of humanity.
    Primitive man could not understand the advanced scientific technology of our creators referred to in the Hebrew biblical texts as the “Elohim” (which translates correctly to “those who came from the sky”) and assumed their creators were mystical gods.

  12. wonderer says:

    No, they would not.
    “There is nothing good or bad , but thinking makes it so” – Shakespeare.
    There is nothing right or wrong either.
    We are cleverer than apes.We understand the need of a society and peaceful coexistence.But sometimes the basic instincts take over.Morals are the values needed to sustain the society and just like the society they are ever changing.
    I agree,God is a creation of human mind to find answers to things that it cannot explain.
    The church never accepted that the sun was the centre and not the earth (due credit to Copernicus).Similarly, in the future,we’ll have the answers to a lot of things that are not understood today.
    We are still in a phase of transition.Religion was needed to sustain (or may be control) the society earlier
    but the global world today has different needs.
    What we need is answers and science has given us more answers than religion (and a better lifestyle as well).
    But we should be tolerant towards people with different opinions and that’s a need.


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