Okay, a few questions here. First off, if someone has filed a trademark that I want and it is in abandoned and dead status.. for more than a year.. can I apply for ownership?? If not can I submit a similar trademark in my own work and be granted ownership of that one seeing as the original similar trademark is dead & abandoned?(I would prefer this option since I like my work better) Also, if I have a trademark containing text in the form of a domain can I argue for rights to the actual domain? Or does that just give me ownership of the manner in which I have the text displayed in my trademark? Finally, if I trademark a logo that I intend to use with my brand do I also have to trademark the brand? (for example: if my logo was a smiley face and I wanted to make my brand smiles) would I have to trademark the logo and the brand name smiles? Or would I submit the logo and somehow link it or affiliate it with a company name of smiles? Sorry if I didn’t present these questions clearly..sometimes it’s hard to ask the right question(s). I appreciate input from anyone with legitimate experience or knowledge on this matter!!
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