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What’s Up With The “tea Party”?

Just my opinion but from what I saw on CNN flipping through the channels, the (2) people they interviewed seemed like they we’re from crazy town. I think they we’re both from out east somewhere, but aparently this woman who won a primary can’t manage her bills, and seems to be a dishonest person in general… And the other guy interviewed seems to be somewhat racist and oddly enough is really bad at hiding it!
I guess my question is… No matter what your beliefs are, how could any sane person vote for someone like this?? Would you really want someone like this representing you?? That’s scary in itself, in my opinion. I’m not affiliated with any political party, just fyi. Personally, even if I don’t agree with a politician I still want them to be educated, somewhat rational, and can at least hold an intelligent conversation beyond “my taxes are too high” Who are these people that vote for someone like this?? I don’t know anyone like that.

No Responses to “What’s Up With The “tea Party”?”

  1. Debra H says:

    Let me guess… you are one of those Obamabots aren’t you?

  2. George S says:

    You forget the interviewers decide who they will interview. Do you really believe CNN bigots would choose a rational, eloquent speaker from a group of people they hate?

  3. Arnold Mendoza says:

    they are freaks

  4. Americans Are War Criminals says:

    Yes, that are rabid racists and nongs generally.

  5. bob says:

    Yes, Debra, He’s an “Obamabot” like Karl Rove. I guess when your inside the asylum everyone looks pretty normal! But George does have a point…If you could find a sane normal one that WOULD be news! Oh George I do believe you may have lost your mind…Military experience influenced by universities…What planet did you come from? When you studied “propaganda” did you ever run into the notion that spouting untrue nonsense like this IS propaganda?


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