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If One Major Problem In The World Was Just Totally Eliminated, Would You Still Be Happy If At The Same (contd)?

If one major problem in the world was just totally eliminated, would you still be happy if at the same time you lost your job…because it was no longer needed?
Yesterday in class one of my teachers (a nurse) commented that she likes the cardiovascular system because in today’s world it gives nurses a lot of work–a lot of nurses are employed due to heart problems. This got me thinking…
What if a miracle happened over night where human beings could cure themselves and this meant all of the doctors, nurses, hospital staff, everyone working in the health care setting became unemployed? Would you still want that ability in human beings? Wouldn’t it be being selfish to want humans to still be sick just so people in the health care sector of the economy had jobs? I appreciate the thought and what she meant, but it got me curious and I just want to hear some personal views and opinions from you guys.
What about police, FBI, and all law enforcement workers…would you guys like it or dislike it if tomorrow morning we all miraculously started obeying the law? Please imagine the scenario and state if you would be for or against it?
Take whatever job you have…grocery store/food industry/food safety, etc. (pretend we can get our energy from the sun…just pretend if you will), transportation (lol pretend we can teleport), ETC etc.
Now ask yourself if you truly want that problem/need/niche your job fills….ask yourself if you want that problem solved if it means you have to give up the piece of safety (income) it offers you. Be creative and use your imagination.
Bonus Q: what would you decide to do all day with your time if you weren’t spending it at work all day? If the world had none of those problems…how would you fill your day if you were free to do anything you pleased (because by this time in the imagined scenario there are no problems and no needs to be fulfilled…just pretend! lol) ? Wouldn’t it kind of be like heaven? lol at least what I imagine heaven to be like.
My main question is if you would want the need for your job eliminated even if it meant you would have to be unemployed and uncertain of what your future holds…but you and all of humanity could enjoy and share the benefit of not having that problem in the world today. Oh and please state what line of work you do.
Thanks 🙂

No Responses to “If One Major Problem In The World Was Just Totally Eliminated, Would You Still Be Happy If At The Same (contd)?”

  1. Godboy says:

    The healing miracle already exists, although there is only a small handful of people with enough faith to recieve it. All the technical skills will become things of the past in the new kingdom. God originally made us to live as natural farmers gatherers in the garden and I bet , that is what He will return to. Even the somebody who likes to glory over the creations of man , they won’t be able to understand this, but wouldn’t it be healthier and more exercise for our bodies to carry the grain to the mill instead of modernizing the process? Most of man’s creations are perversions against what our Father originally planned for us

  2. Kuma says:

    Hell. yes. But that does not mean that the same thing is true for others.
    Like the old Blues man, I was born “too lazy to work and too nervous to steal.”

  3. Melchize says:

    As a Welfare Officer, working with a generic client group, I would be very happy to see them all cured over night, and if this meant I lost my job; which is currently very secure, it would of course be an inconvenience. I would have too rethink what I would do for a living, as I have been a Welfare Officer for many years now, but nonetheless, I would be happy for those individuals, life moves on.

  4. pygonza says:

    Occasionally there will be someone in a health related field who will express worry about job security if they find a cure someday, but it is a naive statement. It would be a great and awesome achievement if we could put a medical area out of business. It would not be difficult for cardiac nurses to get retrained in another field of medicine. I work in the mental health field and would love for someone to put us out of business. But what are the chances of curing all mental illnesses at once? Slim and none, or as one client said, “not bloody likely.” There are more than enough clients to go around, and in the mental health field, business is VERY good. There is so much dysfunction out there, we will never get bored or complacent. And with all that dysfunction, half of them are not seeking services for it, waiting for it to get so bad they cannot continue. We are practically guaranteed lifetimes of job security. Don’t worry there is no end in sight.

  5. Darold says:

    A great transition takes great unity, if great unity, then help to survive also ? To pre tend, lol, that is prior to it being so, it is said the love of money is the root of all evil, it is also said we will build our own houses, and eat of our own. I asked one time, will you be happy when this is ? They said with joy, I told them, that is what the Native Americans did, they built their own homes and gathered their own food, not a slave but a servant to the family, doing their part together. I wonder ? Did they have a monetary system ? However it goes, we come to an age of turning, with a promise of truth, awesome in a way, but perilous in another, both will be until time renders forward and leaves the perils behind. Nice to see a thought come from a vision of tomorrow, with care in it, actually seeking a solution without total distortion of unity.
    Security, do you see cure yet ? Not us as individuals, but the nations that have weapons to destroy mass amounts, the nations that war between one and another, now with weapons that can kill a land mass for ages ? We the people, we the common, we the herd, we the slaves or servants, we are the mass that lives on the land, we are not secure, 911 is a prime example, even Kent State will give a moment to ponder on.

  6. veggiegi says:

    Yes, I would still be happy even if my job was eliminated. I could always apply skills to other jobs or retrain for another job. Having the problem eliminated would give a sense of accomplishment.


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