I would like suggestions and comments on how to improve my website and what not. What are some techniques some of you people found successful and what features are most appealing on websites? I am thinking of including a chart room, does anyone know of where I could learn HTML coding for such an element? How do I spread the message of my website and it’s purpose to those seeking it? I was just approved for google ad words program, I have an ad on my site, how much money could I expect to earn in a year if I actively improve and update my website? What are your experiences and earnings in affiliate programs, adwords, and your own website?
The question of how much can you earn is hard one to answer, it totally depends on your ability to market and promote your website.
There are a few things I would totally recommend learning, and you will find FREE quality information if you do a search;
* Keywords research – There uses and how to use them.
* Back-links – Can produce major quality traffic if used right.
* Copy-writing – Learn to write a eye catching sales letters.
* HTML / CCS – Just learn the basics of website creation
* Autoresponders – How to capture leads and use them to your advantage.
* Social Media – Using the social sites to generate free traffic
* SEO – Search engine optimization basics for website page rankings
Read all the free articles about SEO and the above topics you can, use what is working and disgard the rest. Take it slow and do not rush, generating customers and traffic is an on-going Internet Marketing skill but your pay off can be spectacular.