Hi, I am about to be involved with network marketing, but I lack the experience and the knowledge about it, I just needed advices, past experiences, good websites, how much would I roughly be making after lets say 2 months, hidden secrets of network marketing, cause to be honest, I think it’s too good to be true…
there are so many variables. So beware of rejections. Only a very small percentage make it big
man it sounds like you are looking for something like amwayglobal.com , its all online marketing and you pay a small fee and you will be a IBO (Independent Business Owner ) by tonight , its managed by teams . so i would put you on my team and we have alot of experienced people on our team such as larry winters , search his name if you dont believe me . its all about selling product and being a entrepreneur in life , if you wanna make lots of money this is the way to doit , visit my website http://www.amwayglobal.com/starwade , if your interested get in touch with me from off my website and id love to help you out
Watch the videos here:http://www.sitesell.com/1dayfid2.html
Which company are you joining? Definitely check out Mike Dillard’s magnetic sponsoring video training series. The information is great and you can apply it to whatever company you join. It’s also free.
Stay away from amway and Mangosteen juice and avon etc, and other sites such as that which require you to push products, gadgets, trickets, pills potions and lotions… all those things are luxury items when bought online and most of them can be purchased at WalMart.
Chances are that if you were to get involved in a program such as that, being new to networking, you would be very discouraged with the amount of work and the multitude of downline it would take to actually make your initial investment back. I’ve gone down the rough road of friends family and associates thinking im nuts because they think my plan is Whack!
Try this site on for size. Watch the information about Trifecta Cashflow System for success and see how easy it is to turn a one-time $30 investment into a massive monthly residual income in the $1000’s (if thats what you desire) or $10,000’s (like what I know you really want!)
check it out – I know you’re gonna like it
Hi Ola,
My best advice is for you to separate the scams from the true companies and pick what you feel is best for your personality.
Being pretty proficient on the Internet… I’ve done some freelancing and have joined a few social networks for advertising purposes but had never heard of getting paid to be a member of the network.
Have you? Probably not.
So if you aren’t getting paid from your social network but would like to… here’s an easy home business that won’t require a lot of your time and barely any of your cash.
You won’t get rich quick so this is definitely not the opportunity to replace any significant income… but so far I’ve been able to pay my monthly car note ($397) in a fairly short amount of time and put a couple of bucks in the bank.
This has also been a great way for college kids to earn extra cash.
If you’d like to make enough cash to pay for your expenditures during the holidays… c’mon over and take a look!
Thanks for looking…http://www.crazygood.com/refer/lacey