I am currently recruited to going into 74D (CBRN) leaving for Ft. Leonard Wood to attend BCT and AIT there from March 14th, 2010-sometime in August. My main goal however, and what got me to sign, was my desire to serve in PsyOps (or MISO…still can’t get over the name change, lol) largely due to my 20 years professional b/g in marketing, negotiations, and language (Scandinavian languages thanks to family, and I have studied Russian and Japanese off and on for about 5 years). My last company was a FOX News affiliate to I owned and operated, with most of my background in business and broadcasting, as well as print media. You can probably see where my attraction to 37F comes from. I also recently left playing semi-pro football to give you some insight on my physical b/g, although running miles is something I still getting used to having mostly only running sprints for several years and I am aware there are physical demands as well in PsyOps from what I’ve learned. I am 38 now (turning 39 in Feb.). My question to anyone who has actually served closely or in 37F is the reality of me making PsyOps (1) and (2) what is the likely-hood of me serving with my boot son the ground for a few years and then transferring into a role that would serve in an embassy somewhere or the Pentagon? The reason for this question is b/c I’m blind to the fact I am getting older and would be in 40’s by that time and not sure how long someone my age could serve in the field and could see serving better in a strategic role later on, rather than tactical, although 9th BN looks tempting. I would like to switch over to 37F ASAP after completing AIT for 74D and ‘no’ I do not have a degree.
Also, I am looking for constructive answers here or feedback. As anyone joining PsyOps, you cannot just join as an enlistee, you have to enlist in an initial MOS before going into PsyOps to explain my enlistment into 74D. After which, I’ve been told I can immediately try to enlist into 37F and try to get accepted as it is a Spec Ops unit, everybody has to be accepted first. Correct me if I’ve been told wrong here, but please, be someone who actually knows what they are telling me, preferably someone IN 37F. Thank you in advance.
I love a bargain as much as anyone and I used to love all the cheap stuff I could find on eBay, but nowadays it seems so hard to find anything cheap over there and just when we’re all finding it tougher to just pay our bills. I don’t give up so I was looking for someplace online where I could still find myself a bargain… and by accident I came across this site I never heard of before where you get rock bottom prices from police impounded stuff, I mean I was worried about scams but this stuff is actually real and I got some real cheap stuff there… it’s become my new eBay lol! Go to WinItems.com
Everything you need from theor recruiting website:
PSYOP Volunteer Statement (Enlisted)
Male and Female Soldiers Are Eligible To Apply
RANK SPC-SSG- SFC’S ARE NOT ELIGIBLE and Soldiers can not have more than 14 years AFS
Enlisted Record Brief (ERB)
Tech Score or 101 to 105 or higher (depending on the test date)
DLAB score 85 or higher. You are required a DLAB even if you have a DLPT rating (study material can be located at http://www.deltagear.us/Kit&Tools/Kit/DLAB.htm)
DLPT Rating, If Proficient in Any Other Language, with a 1/1 or higher is acceptable.
Airborne Qualified Or Willing To Volunteer For Airborne Training
Pass Airborne Physical IAW AR 40-501 IF NOT AIRBORNE QUALIFIED.
Submit original DD Form 2808 and DD Form 2807-1 with all required signatures and supporting documentation. PHYSICAL MUST BE STAMPED “AIRBORNE” IN BLOCK 74A OF DD FORM 2808.
APFT current within the last 6 months.
Interim secret security clearance (at a minimum).
Memorandum for Record stating why you want to reclass to PSYOP. You may use sample memorandum as a shell.
Copies of any 1059s from WLC or BNCOC courses attended.
Last 5 copies of NCOERs (SGT-SSG)http://www.bragg.army.mil/sorb/PSYOP_ENL…