my best friend of almost 7 years (since 14 almost 21) judas got me pregnant, we were not planning this and i was on the pill and we used a condom…i will not abort or opt for adoption. one of judes (mybest friend and father of baby) ex girlfriends had an abortion and it really hurt his schooling,social life and life in general. he moved 9 hours away to go to school for history and anthropology.and i am currently in my junior yr studying marketing and managment, about to transfer into a honors baking and pastry art program. we fell in love at 18 but didnt want to risk our friendship since then we have dated on and off, however when he moved we agreed it was easier to be friends even though we both have much stronger feeling for each other. over his recent visit (almost a month and left 2weeks and a half ago) we had protected sex often. . . but it failed and here i am a little over 5 weeks pregnant (i found out after going to the doctor for other reasons i had blood work done). he has a good job but i have been a dancer for years, music videos concerts etc. that will no longer be an option for me with a belly :/ but i dont know how to go about telling him, i know he will not be exactly thrilled. he is moving back home by the end of this week so last night i tried to tell him i needed to talk to him, and he kinda just blew it off until i told him i got a gig dancing in a relatively well known music artists video but dont think i will be able to do it bc they wouldnt want me and told him it was all part of what we needed to talk about… he might stay with me and my roommates until he get a place of his own… only one of my roommates know. he is very stressed about his move back home and has this idea that when he moves everything is going to be perfect and happy :/
any advice on when or how to tell him? im so confused and kinda scared ;/ i know he will be there for me … after the shock and maybe after he drinks himself under the table… i still plan on going to school and i will make sure he does too, and if he does run i will still be the best mother i can be… i just dont know how to go about this one? i know i should be able to just say anythign to him,hes my bestfriend… but im having such a hard time…
sorry it is long, but thank you guys so much for taking to time!
i would just come out and tell him that your pregnant and you dont wanna get rid of it and it is his and you thought he should know now since your a month along
telll him it was hard for me to tell my bf cause at the the time we broke up after being to gether for four years and i was heart broken and everything , we were apart for a month with out talking .I got sent to the hospital cause i fainted at work and my worked call him cause he was my emg list and i have never fainted befor and i got to the hospital in my room the took my blodd and everything adn i was laying in my bed and he was in the half way talking to the doctor crying cause , the doctor told him i was prago and he was shocked and when he saw me looking at me he came in the grabed my hand and kissed me and told me he loved me to death and and he is sorry that we have been apart and then he told me to take a deep breth and said were having a baby , and i cryed and he did to . and now im eight weeks and i told my dad and step mom and there telling me to get abortion im 20 and he is to but were both in college , so its hard but trust me tell him that you love himif you do and tell him your having ababy there is adoption and abortion but im not getting abortion i think im going to keep it
good lucky in the bible it say you keep something hidden the person who knows you best will since there is simething wrong they can be miles away tell himm hunny
You’re going to have to bite the bullet, I’m afraid. Prepare what you are going to say beforehand, that will make it easier.
When you do tell him you will need to give him time to adjust. Whatever you do and no matter how he reacts, don’t cut him out. He needs to feel as much a part of it as you. Then he will explore his options more fully and honestly.
The only advice I can give you (from personal experience) and which you might want to pass on to him is that when he makes the decision as to what he’s going to do, he should forget all about pros and cons and logic, and focus on doing what he considers to be ‘the right thing’. It sounds corny but the truth is that the only consequences he will struggle to live with will be those arising from a decision he knows to be wrong. All the other consequences (career screwed up etc) are usually worse in anticipation and are consequences which we can always manage.
Good luck
Tell him
Hun, this is the hundredth time you’ve posted this. Just tell him and get it done so you guys can move forward from here.
Saw your question and had to share with you. I have always been self-conscious about my weight. Then I got pregnant. While I was excited about the baby, I was a little panicked about getting fat. When I asked my doctor about weight gain and proper nutrition for me and my baby, I got good answers. They just weren’t very clear and not exactly what I was looking for. A friend of mine recommend Pregnancy Without Pounds. Wow I am glad I did! Now I have an adorable baby boy and my body is almost back to normal. Loved their approach to diet and exercise. Doesn’t hurt to take a look. Maybe it’ll help you, too.
Good Luck
Hey there, I guess for me after struggling for years, it’s time I give back. For many years I struggled to get by, living from week to week. Then I was introduced to a system which after 7 weeks now makes me on average about $2,170 a week. For me I’m glad I jumped on board, as I nearly didn’t because of the too good to be true factor. You should at least have a look if you’re struggling financially. If not, enjoy your day anyway

Hope my bit of input helps
Good luck