ok so I went in for a check up & when I got called I recognized the medical assistan (we didn’t get along in high school)& although we dont affiliate with ea. other we know some of the same ppl…Well to my surprise my regular check up turned into the news I was pregnant (not planned) & my automatic thought was “not keeping it” anyways everytime I go now she assist me UGH & its very uncomgortable. if she recognized me should she have told her docyor or something? is she violating HIPPA standards? Can I ask for a different doc?
plz help me out bc its very awkward everytine I go & I do not feel comfortable with her knowing such personal info. about me.
I do not care for rude comnents or opinions about my choices I am simply searching for facts about my situato. Thank you.
Knowing a patient is not in any standard going to violate HIPPA
If you are uncomfortable with them, ask for a different assistant unless you have some proof they acted in anything but a professional manner…
No rude comment intended, but please, please, please keep the baby. It is a human being, a little person. Do not harm the child. Love him or her, and if you cannot take care of the little baby, please, please give him up to be adopted by a loving family.
Just knowing you doesn’t violate anything. If she shares your information with friends, then yes she is in violation. I doubt she will.
You can always change doctors or even ask for another med assistant.
Just because she knows you, it does not violate HIPAA (note that it has only one “P” and two “A’s”). If she starts talking to other people about the treatment and/or your medical conditions, then it violates HIPAA.
But, if you are uncomfortable with her, talk to your doctor about having a different assistant assist you. If your doctor will not or cannot accommodate your wishes, then seek a different doctor for your care.
I can understand your concern. I knew somebody in records that was a very nosy nelly. I prayed I was never in that hospital system. Talk to you doctor and explain your concerns. Believe me, no doctor wants to deal with HIPAA violations, especially because of an MA. You may still have to deal with the MA, but the doctor will be on the alert if anything is said or construed as a violation.
Hopefully she has matured over the years.
It is not a violation to simply know someone, but she does need to keep her mouth shut-tightly.
You can speak to the doctor privately and ask that she not assist-no need to explain-just say we knew each other way back when and the situation makes you uncomfortable.
If the doctor is a professional-they will understand and make arrangements accordingly.
As long as she works in the office-she will have access to your records though.
You’ll need to decide whether that is a deal breaker with the doctor.
If she is someone who deals with your personal medical records she has a right to know. EMT’s, doctors, nurses, etc. are only allowed to share your personal information with the people who are your private care providers. It would be different if someone told a friend that is not there for your personal care, that is against the law and can cause them to lose their job. If you feel uncomfortable I certainly would change doctors. I would state that you do not want her as your medical assistant.
Good luck
HIPPA has not been violated. Go to a different doc.
Under medical guidelines she would be bound by a Confidentiality Clause. If she recognised you
you she should have offered you the option of being assisted by someone else. It is still not too late to ask for someone else, perhaps by having a word with a supervisor or receptionist or even telephone the secretary of the doctor who oversees your visits and explain the circumstances. Having worked in the health sector it is not an unreasonable request. Good luck. Oh, should you ever find out that she has ever discussed your pregnancy with someone else outside of the Service she would indeed be in serious breach of confidentiality. Not knowing your circumstances I would not presume to comment on the rights and wrongs of your keeping the baby or otherwise and can only wish you well.
when i used to work in the clinical area of a hospital, i didn’t always know what was up with my patients. i just did the registering, taken of the vital signs, and bringing the pt and the pt record to the treatment room.
maybe this is the same with her, maybe she doesnt know what you think she knows. people always assumed i knew things that i didn’t know.