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Why Do People Shave Their Pubes So Much These Days?

I’m not complaining, but what do you think caused this cultural shift? A few decades ago it seems it was normal for both sexes to have a bit of a jungle down below. Now, both sexes are expected to trim the hair down there. Women are held to this expectation even harder than men, and their “muffs” now seem to be a relic of a bygone era. I’ve heard that porno is responsible for this shift, and that it carried over to the mainstream from there. I’m inclined to think that theory is plausible because porn has made a lot of niche sexual activities less taboo. What do you think?
BQ- Who is your favorite comic book superhero?

No Responses to “Why Do People Shave Their Pubes So Much These Days?”

  1. Janine Maverick says:

    Here’s someones theory:
    “As I understand women didn’t shave their armpits until after WWII when some model or celebrity did it on a whim and people actually hated it – this changed over time. So any of these changes to pubic hair removal are recent, as well. I have this theory: in recent times, in Western Society, there has been an upheaval of cultural and gender norms – when this happens, people react in ways that makes things more traditional but in our times, this means clearly differentiating men from women leading to hairy men and hairless women so that sex/gender differences can be maintained because people are scared about all this equality and fight for equal rights and what some perceive as women taking men’s spaces and jobs.
    A hairless woman looks more like a child, less dangerous (more fragile, softer so that people can say ‘look how complementary the sexes are…yin and yang, etc.) – long hair has always been associated with sex appeal, with wildness, with power (Samson and Delilah, anyone?) and we simply can’t have that these days, can we? Let the women be as little like men as possible even if it means they have to put in money into countless pointless rituals to get rid of all natural hair growth. This just wasn’t an issue when Hefner was younger, porn was more realistic, people were people, 70s and 80s were freer in terms of loving ourselves for who we are. There is something about our times that has to do with making everyone look like a ‘fixed up’ fantasy – like a Barbie. Well, eff that noise, I hate having to shave anything on my body simply because of the way it’s perceived to be necessary and I don’t have the patience (because I get homicidal) to deal with people when I don’t shave anywhere.
    Oh, I also wanted to mention that the overbearing consumerism of our society aids all of the above as well – it’s all about buy buy buy so that you can look better, smoother, etc. for no reason at all but it sure wastes/makes a lot of money. Nor are men immune from this trend either because we’re even more removed from the animality/realness of our bodies than ever before as we are the most removed from nature and the environment than ever before.”
    What do I think? It’s what’s in right now. At least in the U.S. In France women walk around with armpit hair and I’m sure their pubes are untamed as well.
    Me personally? In the winter time I need warmth down there. LOL. XD
    In the spring and summer, it’s gone. My man likes it there, just not a jungle. Pubic hair contains pheromones that induce sexuality. I’ve tested the theory out. It’s conclusive in my case.
    BQ-Vixen from DC comics.………
    P.S.-I think muff is a funny word too. hehehehehe

  2. Janine Maverick says:

    Well thanks for the joke better to laugh than to cry. I guess they all stop the jungle warfare they prefer to fight on plane open field. I guess the computer age has caused this to come about their is a huge business in the sex soliciting programs and of course those involve prefer to show off their body with more apealing looks.My friends says that they prefer to see the puddings looking neat and clean.

  3. chetos_5 says:

    I don’t think it should be bald, but it should be trimmed and shaped. You don’t want to look like a wild animal.
    BQ- Batman! He is cool and mysterious.

  4. Zip says:

    Oral sex is more common and both genders are less willingly to preform activities under those “hairy” condition
    Bq- spider man!

  5. Rizado Nino says:

    yeah. probably the porn. then we realized
    “hey, this is actually much more sanitary- and smells fresh, looks neat and well -groomed too. think I’ll continue.”

  6. Cocoa Butter (whos gonna check m says:

    yuck, fortunately I haven’t noticed this pube thing. Apparently not EVERYONE is doing it. Love Superman.

  7. chris says:

    I blame Hollywood for woman shaving period!!!!
    I only shave in the summertime b/c it looks better when I am wering dresses or shorts. I am from the Island and no one really shave.

  8. Pinky C says:

    I have cornrows down there and i get no complaints.

  9. Zeke says:

    i think it’s porn. it is better to wax shaving is nasty
    BQ- earthworm jim

  10. tapatapa says:

    i think its porn 🙂
    bq- iron man

  11. A.D.P. says:

    yea i know its so stupid! why do we take baths and whipe our asses after we take a huge ****! doesnt make sense


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