Christians only So i’m 20, i love nature, skateboarding, and hardcore metal! im a regular kid, i found jesus a year and a half ago, and my life has truly changed! im growing each day. however, my whole life i have never found my niche, or comfort zone, in life. i have never find my “this is where i belong” moment in life. i have never found friends who are ones like me who love nature, traveling, christian metal, etc.
i’ve known people like that, but was too shy in high school to meet such people. now that im two years out of high school, im much more confident and secure through Jesus. however, everywhere i go, even now after jesus, i still dont find people who want to live to travel and spread Jesus’ love, or have the upbeat personality of a Jesus lover like i do… do you believe God is leading me away from people like me to lead me to something greater later on ( hopefully soon, Lord willing)???
im trying to stay faithful, what do you think??
I think you should drop your faith and follow reality.
God isn’t leading you anywhere because he is a figment of your imagination. It’s your life. Don’t waste it chasing mythology.
>>hardcore metal
clearly christian, only stupid people can stand hard core and metal core.
you need to listen to some thrash and heavy metal perhaps some early black metal. thats the path you should take.
Well, the religion will not solve your problems. You have to take a stand and figure out what is important to you.
You sound on fire for God! thats so cool! i think you should just take it day by day, and remember God knows whats best for you and He’ll reveal it when its His time:)
I don’t think you should leave every life decision up to God. You need to take control of you’re own life, not in a way that goes against God though. Just make your own decisions, try to make the best ones. But no one is perfect.
You need to open yourself up to more opportunity.
Congratulations on finding your faith, my friend! I hope I can offer you at least a bit of help here.
While it may be that God is leading you in a certain direction, I don’t think that He’s leading you AWAY from others like you. Rather, He may wish for you to continue your search, but in a different way. Do you have a Bible? If you don’t, this is a very good place to start. The Bible is sort of like the Christian road map. It can guide you on your way. The gospel of John is a great place to start.
It’s also good to find others who share your faith. Like I said, the Bible is like a road map. But others who share your faith are the guides who can help lead you. If you were to go someplace like a jungle for example, you would not want to simply walk out into the jungle by yourself and start hacking and slashing your way through. This would be confusing, tiring, and could easily end up in you becoming lost. Rather than run out into the middle of the jungle, you’d more likely hire a guide who knows the jungle and can help you through it and encourage you in places where things get difficult. Church is the place to find such guides. If the church is a church who truly follows the ways of God, then it can be a good place to find the people you’re looking for.
Also, there are Christian websites and Christian forums you could join to discuss your faith. While I can’t say I’ve ever joined any, because I’m a bit more traditional, this could be a good way to further your faith.
Finally, remember this. No man walks his path alone. Without God, man lives for himself, but when God comes into the picture, man no longer lives for himself, but follows God, and all those who share in the faith walk with him. Listen to advice from those who are wiser and more mature in their faith, help those who are just starting their journey, and continue to mature in your own faith alongside others. You’ve still just begun your walk with Jesus. Don’t give up hope in finding the passionate lovers of Jesus you’re looking for. You may just be looking in the wrong place or it just isn’t the right time yet.
I hope I could have been of some help. I’m not that great with this kind of thing, but I hope it helped.