story about a vendor selling ice cream made from human breast milk obtained from 15 willing women compensated for their contributions. (just ignore the inane ‘Lady Gaga’ references). Is this type of food permissible by general Vegan standards? If so, this seems like a great source of milk based products (butter, cheese, yogurt, etc.) derived from humans. A good niche product, yeah?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Only on Thursdays between 4:30 and 6 pm.
Technically, no. Vegans don’t eat any animal products, bi-products, or cause harm to animals. Although breast-milk comes from a human, humans are an animal species.
They make vegan baby-formulas for parents who wish to raise their children vegan.
Personally, i’m revolted by the thought of eating/drinking breast-milk…i guess others feel differently?
Nope! Humans are animals too, and vegans don’t eat anything made from an animal.
Actually, techinally yes. For the people who are saying no, because a human is an animal. That is not true because the whole purpose of being a vegan is to not support the harmful way in which animals are tortured during the dairy process. If it is breastmilk, the torture is not happening. Breastmilk is considered vegan. So yes, it is vegan
I’m not quite sure. Personally I wouldn’t (the whole idea just creeps me out) but if it is not causing harm to any animals then maybe some would.
Technically vegans eat nothing that comes from an animal, but breastfeeding is okay as it is given willfully from mother to baby within the same species.. I suppose it depends on how important you deem the “mother to baby” part of that.
While I wouldn’t advertise it as a good vegan food or eat it myself, I wouldn’t say anybody who ate it wasn’t a vegan. I wonder if it would matter to some what the women ate?
Vegans avoid products of animal exploitation. A cow cannot consent to having her milk taken from her to feed humans, so it is wrong to use cows’ milk. These human women have apparently given their consent and their breast milk willingly, so products made from human breast milk would be okay from an ethical standpoint.
I still wouldn’t touch it because I was weaned decades ago and have no desire to regress.