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Is There Anything You Disagree With Your Political Party On?

I get a strong sense that most people in this section are dogmatists, automatically and mindlessly agreeing with everything their party or ideology says, with conclusions coming first and rationalization and debate being afterthoughts.
I’m curious how many of us can identify a major area of disagreement with our stated affiliated party or other political labels. Any conservatives support abortion rights, or gay rights? Any liberals in opposition to affirmative action, or back a flat tax? How many of us here aren’t dogmatists? đŸ™‚
(For my own part, I consider myself left-leaning, and a staunch Democrat. Off the top of my head, I oppose the organics movement, I consider myself an environmentalist but reject conservationalism as a solution, I think public education could strongly benefit from decentralization, competition and vouchers, and I regard affirmative action as institutionalized bigotry.)

No Responses to “Is There Anything You Disagree With Your Political Party On?”

  1. rightwing radical 1 says:

    republican ,immigration

  2. Dispenser of Truth says:

    As a Republican I really can’t stand the social agenda. It is really counterproductive.

  3. Growth vs Oil says:

    Yes, I love guns and I hate abortions but I don`t vote on wedge issues.

  4. Anita Bong Queen Polititroll says:

    Nuclear power.

  5. Elwaythe says:

    I’m a Democrat who does not support affirmative action, supports the death penalty, and am hard core on immigration. I do not walk in lockstep.

  6. Foghorn says:

    I disagree with plenty of the platform planks of the Ds and Rs, which moved me to the Libertarians. What I care most about is to pursue socially liberal and fiscally conservative policies and that can only be found with the Libertarians.

  7. Will be Grandma soon says:

    Libertarian= abortion rights, gay marriages.

  8. crow t robot says:

    i disagree with my party on several issues i even vote outside my party sometimes

  9. Intellectual Bulldog says:

    I have my own beliefs that I dont see in either party. Full vouchers for kids for private school, health care, and the basics. Work for welfare for abled adults. Capping government spending based on % of GDP around 20%. Basically putting power back into the hands of individuals to live free and to pursuit their happiness to the fullest while giving the best we have to offer to those that struggle with also helping them become independent.
    Its very Ben Franklinesque if you ever read his writings.

  10. Get a Civil Union! says:

    “War on Terror”

  11. Bebn Tupof says:

    I’m a liberal democrat and believe in the equality of men of all races. I diverge from my party in that I believe in abolishing social security for all but the mentally retarded and the physically disabled. I believe that affirmative action breeds more prejudice and racism. I believe in free trade capitalism but I think it needs to be regulated from a financial standpoint the way banks have guards and vaults to prevent their robbery. I believe in the right to bear arms and I am gun-owner, but a responsible one who thinks that their should be mental equivalency tests and thorough background checks to prevent the wrong people from having them. I am firmly opposed to communism and socialism in all in its’ forms but I think that laws should prevent insurance companies and the health care system from robbing people. I love America and as a Jew I love Christians and peaceful Muslims, but I think that religion should stay the hell away from our law books, our history books, and our government. I believe in the right to free speech, but no one should be allowed to threaten a political figure with violence or wear a gun to a political event or a protest.


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