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Why Do Black People Think Theyre Invincible?

That no one ever messes with them, ive seen white people mess with blacks and ive seen blacks mess with whites same for myself. Im not racist but i think its bogus that you guys are in so much denial, usually when im rude to a black guy he goes “pfffff” and walks away, now im not talking about the ones that are affiliated with gangs but im a pretty big guy and not many people intimidate me, nor am i prejudice ive just seemed to deal with alot of blacks that are rude, and i dont put up with that. But blacks are in denial and seem to live in some fantasy world where thier black skin makes them invincable

No Responses to “Why Do Black People Think Theyre Invincible?”

  1. Phillip Gua the Chinese human says:


  2. The Barbie says:

    we dont think we are invincible because we are black we think we are invincible because 95% of us are stronger than whites and we know it…sorry of that upsets u…

  3. Goober says:

    Because American media has taught the masses to be afraid of Black males because they’re bigger, badder, tougher, etc and it can equate to them being violent in response to you messing with them.
    None of that is true. There are Black guys who are weak & wont do anything but nobody other than Blacks want to find out if they are punks.
    But look at the rate of White on Black crimes now compared to the 1950’s. Something changed and it made Black people not have to worry about crime from anyone other than Blacks. So they dont take you seriously in any confrontation.
    Hey dude you are in LA where some Mexican gangs and Black gangs are at war. Of course there are people out there who will mess with them because they’re battling for turf and respect of race.

  4. HEY YOU says:

    I don’t think they think they are invincible. You’re probably just dealing with immature types. With them it’s just they probably don’t have many people who fight back and figure people just scare easy. But that goes for any dorks who are immature. They’re easy to scare with proper methods even if you’re smaller than them.
    Also just because some people have muscle doesn’t mean anything. I’ve seen people spend tons of time working out with baby weights for quick definition but without sufficient strength or stamina to back it up. And even then if you’re a disciplined fighter you can still make short work of them.

  5. Jcbsn77 says:

    Not one time in my entire existence on this planet have I EVER claimed to be invincible, and I feel very bad for you if you feel that way.

  6. Justin says:

    I’m black and I have never felt that I was better then any one else. Please note that there are some white that think they are better and higher then blacks so get TOO racial.

  7. Nemesis says:

    couldn’t tell you,i’ve never felt invincible and never met anyone over the age of 12 who did

  8. Gina says:

    Look up the word prejudiced before you say your not. You said your not prejudice yet you just prejudged a group of people because their race. If your not prejudice you would use your brain and realize that A: you don’t know all black people. B: people of all races display the traits you explained and C: just because you may not have seen other races act that way doesn’t mean they don’t. D: maybe because you are prejudice you see what you want to see.

  9. Watermelon Orange says:

    no one messes with them ?
    where the hell do you live ?
    I’m in LA and EVERYONE including those poor little scrawny white guys FIGHT Black dudes too.
    I’m a mixed race, so you might as well call me a mutt.
    Another reason why black people think they’re invincible because they think their from the hood, so they think whoever messes with them gets an *** whooping ?
    Take KRAV MAGA and trust me…. no black guys will EVER mess with you… well they’ll mess with you and next thing you know they’ll be jumping back to whatever hood they came from.

  10. C.T. says:

    Man, you’re an idiot and frankly you are twisting crap around in your head because you ARE in fact prejudice to some degree. If you weren’t you wouldn’t have noticed this. Additionally, just because someone goes “pffff” and walks away does not indicate some thought of invincibility. It could just as easily mean he thinks you’re an idiot. And dude, wake up, most of the time they are stronger and faster. There are obviously exceptions to athletic ability in all races, but look at the NFL, the NBA, and any other sport that requires actual physical prowess. It is full of black people because there is greater natural physical ability whether you like it or not.
    Oh, and you better start getting intimidated. You say you aren’t intimidated because you’re a pretty big guy. Just because some musclehead gets pumped up in the weight room doesn’t make him a good fighter. Most body builders would get their butt kicked inside 30 seconds in fight. You saying you’re a pretty big guy only gives me reason to believe I can knock you out. I’m faster than you, more mobile than you, and more accurate than you. You are slow, likely more clumsy than you would ever believe, and you will gas out faster than me. You should be more intimidated by people than you claim to be. Any intelligent person knows your weakness.

  11. jdukenum says:

    nope we don’t but i think you do.


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