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Is It Odd That I Believe That We Have Cures For All Major Diseases But The Government Keeps Them Secret?

Now, I’m not completely firm with this, but I’m starting to think that cures for AIDS and Cancer and other diseases exist, but that they’re only saved for really important people.
Think about it. The last major disease someone important had was FDR with Polio, and they cured that. But when was the last time an important politician or some famous celebrity had such a disease?
Is it because of money? Is it the fact that marketing pills that will “treat” the disease insted of eradicating it will make more money?
To quote Chris Rock, “It’s like Cadillac making a car that can last 50 years. You know they can do it. But they won’t! You mean to tell me we can make metal strong enough to fly into space and keep intact when re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere, but I can’t have a Camero where the f**kin’ bumper don’t fall off?!”
So, any answers would be appeciated. And please don’t call me an ignorant douche. I’m not making fun of people with aids or cancer, I’m merely pointing out something I’m still currently deciding on.

No Responses to “Is It Odd That I Believe That We Have Cures For All Major Diseases But The Government Keeps Them Secret?”

  1. billy bob says:

    I’ll never tell.

  2. godsown1 says:

    To answer your ‘question’, ” No. It’s not THAT odd that you believe we have cures for all major diseases , the Bible tells us that.
    What is somewhat strange is why you would think the government would keep us from health?
    With health care as it is in America, what would the government have to gain not disclosing the
    ‘cures’? Do you see how much of a long shot this?
    But then again, stranger things have happened…..who knows?

  3. Mr. Smartypants says:

    I don’t agree with you. But in one way I think you’re right.
    Hardly a week goes by that I’m not asked to contribute to the fight against some disease. Cancer, diabetes, autism, etc. etc. I always wonder where the money for these fights goes. I would guess the research is being done (or at least directed) by a handful of enormous, very powerful drug companies. These companies are not really interested in disease as much as they are interested in the -bottom line-. That’s all any corporation is really interested in.
    Well how does it affect the bottom line to cure, say, diabetes? Take these three pills, one a day, and in a week you’ll be cured. How does that compare with ‘Take this pill twice a day for the rest of your life’? I’m guessing the research is not directed towards a -cure-, I’m guessing their goal is more to develop some drug that keeps you going with the disease.
    As for the diseases themselves, look at the figures for infant and child mortality for the last 100 years. At the end of the 19th century, about half of people died in infancy or childhood! I mean, a couple might have six children hoping to have three live through high school. When I was a kid (1950s) EVERYONE knew someone with polio in their family. You saw polio-stricken kids on the street all the time, walking with braces or crutches. Kid I knew myself had diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), tuberculosis, German measles. I never knew anyone with smallpox but that was common at one time. All these diseases have been virtually wiped out. People still get them but not nearly as often, and not nearly as many people die from them. So it’s clear we’re making progress.
    Strangely, though you have a much much better chance of surviving most kinds of cancer these days, the percentage of people who die from cancer remains about constant. We are always creating more kinds of cancer.

  4. Librarya says:

    Is it odd that people believe that? You think big pharma wouldn’t make a ton of money off those cures? You think they wouldn’t put them out there if they had them?
    A lot of famous/important people have cancer. A lot of famous/important people have AIDS.
    You need to really rethink this theory because it is full of holes.


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