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History Help 5 Questions?

1. In 1974, Tito had designated this region an autonomous or self-governing province within Yugoslavia. (1 point)
2. The Yugoslav republics included significant numbers of (1 point)
Serb minorities.
League of Nations mandates.
Slovak majorities.
Chechen rebels.
3. Walesa’s trade union movement was supported by workers and (1 point)
the Soviet Union.
the Roman Catholic Church.
secret police.
4. In 1989, the government of East Germany ordered the tearing down of one of the last symbols of the Cold War, the (1 point)
missile silos of Minsk.
Czech Republic.
Berlin Wall.
Munich Mural.
5. Poland’s free-market reforms under its new president in 1990 caused (1 point)
Soviet backlash.
U.S. intervention.
immediate prosperity.
severe unemployment.

No Responses to “History Help 5 Questions?”

  1. Spellbou says:

    1. In 1974, Tito had designated this region an autonomous or self-governing province within Yugoslavia. (1 point)
    2. The Yugoslav republics included significant numbers of (1 point)
    Serb minorities.
    3. Walesa’s trade union movement was supported by workers and (1 point)
    the Roman Catholic Church.
    4. In 1989, the government of East Germany ordered the tearing down of one of the last symbols of the Cold War, the (1 point)
    Berlin Wall.
    5. Poland’s free-market reforms under its new president in 1990 caused (1 point)
    severe unemployment.
    wikipedia is your friend


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