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Is This Illegal Or Not?

The company I work for has recently filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy and is closing a multitude of stores and laying off thousands of employees (myself included). We were informed that if we quit (including with two week notice) anytime during the liquidation process (from now until “sometime in April”), we would automatically be blacklisted from the company and its affiliates and would not be permitted to use them as a reference for future employment. I was perfectly fine with this until they cut me completely off from work. I am still considered employed, but I receive no hours and therefore, have no money. I honestly, need food stamps and/or unemployment at the moment until I can find a job, but I would have to quit from Borders to do so, but by doing so, the company will try and “screw” me over. What am I suppose to do and can a company actually do this??

No Responses to “Is This Illegal Or Not?”

  1. Good Guy 4502 says:

    Sounds unethical. You could probably get it resolved with a lawyer, but lawyers cost money. So i don’t know. Another case of the worker getting screwed by the upper class.

  2. aditya varshney says:

    very bad situation
    which country do you put up , it totally depends on the laws of that country

  3. Steve D says:

    First, call your unemployment office – if they have significantly reduced your hours or cut them to zero, most states will qualify you for unemployment.

  4. HRmom says:

    You don’t have to quit to file for unemployment. You can still be employed but (as in your situation) getting no hours and receive unemployment. So go ahead and file ASAP. It doesn’t sound like you’re breaking their “rules” by doing that so you should still be able to use them as a reference. Then when they DO have hours for you, you need to make sure to tell unemployment so you don’t over-collect and be in trouble later.
    Also, why not use this time to go ahead and look for another job. If you find one while you’re still “employed” there, who cares if you can use them as a reference or not! You’ll have another job so you won’t need them!
    Good luck to you!


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