Okay, so I’m going to give a whole lowdown on my spiritual bind that I’m for whoever cares to listen and help me out. I don’t know what to do and am being pressured from different sides in terms of religion.
My mom was Jewish and I went to a Jewish Sunday school until around 4th grade, though I was never particularly religious. 4 years ago when I was in 6th grade, my mom died from a long battle with cancer and my sister converted to Christianity not long before that. My dad is not very religious though he comes from a Catholic family.
I went a handful of times to Church over about two years following my mom’s death because my sister wanted me to. After that I stopped going because it felt exactly like my old Jewish Sunday school, where whatever religious talk the preachers/rabbis/whatever said was accepted by all, only this time they were also preaching about Jesus. This made me feel weird about it, and gave me a sense that it wasn’t totally genuine (this Church is apparently the best church in the area that I live in, Dallas).
I never really got explanation or anything over why the teachings I was given in Church about Jesus and whatnot were true as opposed to what I learned being brought up Jewish, or vice versa. To put it really simply, I was just expected to accept whatever I was told.
This caused me to think a lot about religion and god and the nature of all that. I mean whose to say that either side is right? They both are apparently speaking the word of God. It seemed like a question with no answer.
As I pondered the question, I started looking at man’s history of religion in general, at evolution, at a history of polytheism in all parts of the world, that only converted after they were forced to when conquered by a monotheistic culture. I decided not to affiliate myself with anyone, and remain agnostic.
I am open to the possibility of God giving me a sign, or someone showing me the light, but I just have yet to see any such signs.
Over Christmas, however, my Grandmother, who is admittedly very controlling and opinionated (very much like Lucille from Arrested Development if you watch that show :/), told me that her only wish before she dies is to see me baptized. I know she means well, but I also think it was not her place to say that. Nonetheless, it’s made me feel very guilty the more I thought about it, which I kind of think was her intention.
I don’t feel any connection with any religion at the moment. I’ve been to Church and I’ve been to Synagogue. None of it feels right to me. I don’t really know what to do. If God came down and gave me a sign I’d be open to it, as would I if someone truly enlightened me or something, but until then I’m stuck sitting here feeling guilty and conflicted.
If you’ve read this far I thank you so much, and I would appreciate some advice on the matter. I’d love to know what you think or what you’d do if you were me, or anything really.
It isn’t right for your grandmother to tell you to get baptized if you don’t sincerely believe in the religion. Tell your grandmother that you are not able to choose your beliefs, and that it is inappropriate to undergo that ritual of baptism since you are not feeling any connection to any religion, so baptism is a bit of a meaningless gesture.
It is not about blind belief. Go investigate the claims of the Bible. Read stuff that is intended to address skeptics’ concerns about Jesus. Start with “The Case for Christ” and “The Case for Faith” by Lee Strobel. He was an agnostic who set out to write a book that would debunk the Christian faith. However, his life was changed in the process of writing. Most big chain bookstores have his work.
I would tell God to piss off, but that’s just me.
I’ll try to help you as much as I can. I’m Catholic but I have a heavy Buddhist outlook on life. I don’t worship Buddha, I just try to live be his teachings as well as Jesus’s. God gives signs to you everyday. They’re are just not miracles and flashy and what not. God loves everybody. I don’t want to convert you I just want to tell you that God loves you and he has been with you your entire life. You can look into Buddhism if you want. Hope you get to where you wanna be on your spiritual journey
an attempted guilt trip from your grandmother obviously proves nothing…and it shows how religion can sometimes make human relations more difficult than it needs to be.
Jewish…. Sunday school? That sounds like a real conflict right there. Unfortunately neither ‘Jews’ nor ‘Christians’ follow scripture. I have studied scripture, and decided it could not be a fabrication,,, and thus is ‘true’ in a very important sense, though not ‘perfect’, or without errors. Scripture presents an Almighty one who wants to lead us into truth, and save us in the end. I accepted Him (His name is YAHUSHUA) and have been looking for other followers of Him for quite some time, and haven’t found very many of them. Unfortunately there does not seem to be any ‘denomination’ following scripture, and the Savior YAHUSHUA, who kept Torah. (His followers will also)
We are, through learning, not by bodily transcendence, going through spiritual evolution. We are all in different places along that path. Since you already had been turned off to religion, you found evidence that stronger forces manipulated the feminine-based pagan religions. You can also find evidence to the contrary, that many of the Celts of England and some who had migrated to Asia Minor, had come to a place in their polytheistic beliefs that they were ready to embrace Christianity when it came. Some in hinduism have seen it the same way, that though there are many different personalities of creation in the world, they all lie under One God.
What have been reviled to Jesus that is Islam
and what has been revealed to Moses that is Islam and Abraham and isak, and Jacob and all the others and finely Mohamed; All what has been reviled to those Prophets and Messenger is Islam and is from One God. The final Messenger is Mohamed and Qur’an testify to those revelations. However, Most of those messages are lost, changed and corrupted except Qur’an which is protected by Mighty God until this day. So, because of the bible being interpolated and changed lot of thing people started misinterpret bible the way it suit them. Ever since then You will fined many Bibles in the world today are different Versions, not only translation, but different version, Some Bibles are 7 books les the the others. Like Catholics ics and Orthodox they don’t have same Bible.Qur’an came to rectify this and to give guidance to human kind until the Day Of Judgment.
Emperor Constantine force-fed the Three in One doctrine to the Ecumenical Council specifically to distinguish their God from the Hebrew Yahweh. They were against it until he brought in the Praetorian Guard and threatened to kill the lot of them and replace them with people who would see things his way.
“Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children, as the likeness of vegetation after rain, thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment (for the disbelievers, evil-doers), and (there is) Forgiveness from Allâh and (His) Good Pleasure (for the believers, good-doers), whereas the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment.[Al-Quran:57:20]”
Waht does Qur’an Say:
Dr. Alfred Kroner is one of the world’s renowned geologists. He is Professor of Geology and the Chairman of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. He said: “Thinking where Muhammad came from… I think it is almost impossible that he could have known about things like the common origin of the universe, because scientists have only found out within the last few years, with very complicated and advanced technological methods, that this is the case.”
The source of this comment is THIS IS THE TRUTH ( videotape). Visit http://www.islam-guide,com/truth for a copy of this videotape or to view the video clips of Professor alfred Kroner’ comments online.
When mathematics professor John E. Fornaess, of Princeton University, was asked for his thoughts on the existence of God, he replied: “I believe that there is a God and that God brings structure to the universe on all levels from elementary particles to living beings to superclusters of galaxies.”
Physics professor Henry Margenau, of Yale University, said that he was convinced that the laws of nature were created by God, adding: “God created the universe out of nothing in an act which also brought time into existence.” He then noted that in the book The Mystery of Life’s Origin, three scientists explain that a Creator is a plausible explanation for life’s origin. Supporting this view, astronomer Fred Hoyle has stated that believing the first cell originated by chance is like believing that a tornado ripping through a junkyard full of Boeing 747 airplane parts dismembered and in disarray could produce a 747.
personally, speaking as a jewish atheist, if there is a religion that makes you feel uncomfortable, or it doesn’t make sense, or it makes you feel guilty – that’s not the one for you. a religion or a belief should make you feel comfortable, not uncomfortable. each side of the family will want you to convert – but to make THEM happy, not you. it’s really never about how you feel but the ones that want to convert you to something else.
but in the end it’s just another ritual, baptized or not – it’s just a ritual. a nothing. it won’t change how you feel. your grandmother will be happy because she thinks it’s the right thing to do – but what about your other grandparents – the jewish ones? how will the feel if you suddenly were baptized? it was probably their idea for you to go to hebrew school.
personally i think you should drop out of both religions, but only because that’s what i would do and have done (though i only have one religion to deal with, and luckily we were never that jewish). in the end it’s how YOU feel, not your sister, grandmother or anyone else around you.
I’d suggest doing what you are doing. read books by atheists as well as apologists, study science and philosophy and come to your own conclusion. I think the only logical position is that there isn’t a god. you need to make your own conclusion.
It’s difficult to go against what you’ve been taught. Even though we say we’re enlightened, it’s somehow ingrained into our subconscious. If you’ve been raised Jewish and exposed to Christianity both, it’s no wonder you’re confused. You’re right about blindly accepting whatever you’re told. We’re not meant to be sheep, led about wherever someone else wants us. This is how false prophets and manipulative people get their hooks in us.
Acts 17:10-11 talks about the Berean Christians. Paul spent some time preaching to them. They didn’t just blindly accept whatever he told them. They searched the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul told them was true. The Scriptures themselves should be our guide. I invite you to start reading the Bible for yourself. This is the only way you’ll see what it’s all about. Begin by reading one of the Gospels, Mark is the shortest and the most action-packed. If you want some suggestions on what else to read, please email me privately.
what would i think if i were you? i’d think that i’m a terrible sinner, in need of forgiveness, that can only be given by God if i ask in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
how do you get there? i guess first you have to admit that you have an evil nature. i don’t know how anyone can come to God and the Truth that is Jesus without understanding and believing that.
if you’re so deluded that you think you’re a “good” person, there really is no hope for you. i’m sorry, that is the truth. you have to know that you are a sinful, evil person to be able to accept Christ as your Savior. when i say evil i don’t mean that you would torture kittens. what i mean by evil is that you know in your heart, and through your experiences in life that you can, and have, done the wrong thing.
once you understand that you have done, and will continue to do, the wrong things you need to ask yourself why it is wrong. if we were just matter that happened to come alive in a universe that was created from nothing, what could it possibly matter if we did the wrong thing? what even decides that? if you get to that point then you realize that there is a God that decides that.
so now you’re at the point where you are sinful and there is a God. well, then you need forgiveness. the Bible clearly states that Christ’s name is what gives you forgiveness. there really would be no point for Christ to have done what He did if that were not true.
so there you have it. you are sinful, there is a God, and you need forgiveness. you get that forgiveness through Christ. if you want a “sign” keep or start praying.
May I first put this link which is a photo of Jesus, then watch these videos of my testimony.
Jesus in the gardenhttp://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=12…
1970’s Untouched-up photo taken in California by a Christian woman of her dry garden. Time passed before she had the film developed. The store called for her to pick up the film asking of this photo “who is posing for you?” Surprised at this she explained feeling impressed to snap the shot of the dry empty garden and forgot about it.
Apostle Eric’s Testimony Part 3http://www.second8thweek.org/content.php…
Apostle Eric’s Testimony Part 4http://www.second8thweek.org/content.php…
You cannot sever the Blood from the Covenant http://youtu.be/V3Rikl9r1IU
God’s Time-linehttp://www.second8thweek.org/content.php…
Why am I herehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIEvaXbVG…
Do you Know Jesus http://www.second8thweek.org/content.php…
I think it is great that you have a desire to draw closer to God. One common denominator in the Jewish faith and Christian faith is the bible…I think you need to detach yourself for a moment from a particular demonination and really concentrate on the bible itself. Many religions profess to worsip God, but their conduct tells otherwise.
There are some easy indicators to help you eliminate the possible true religion from false religion……
The Jews started of as God’s chosen people….However many did not accept Jesus as the Messiah. This caused a division amongth them. The Jews that started to follow Christ took on the name Christians, which means “Christ Like or Follower of Christ”….
Today, there are some many denominations within the Christian Faith, that one may feel overwhelmed..
So how can you choose?
Read this article here: http://www.watchtower.org/e/20090801/art…
It used the bible to help you decide. This is the sign you maybe looking for…God uses the bible to talk to us….
Ok, the necessity of proof of aka ‘signs is not generally answered. However when one addresses this with faith then something magical and unexpected happens. I know this is conflictual..how does one have faith when one is searching for the object of faith. All I can tell you is this, I received proof of in 1997, I no longer have any doubts whatsoever. Why I was selected for this I do not know. All I can do is attempt to ‘pay it foreword’ by relating that God absolutely exists, and religion is a means to strengthen this relationship. I am a Roman Catholic and spent time searching other avenues (apart from Catholicism) dealing with Creationship. I am now back to where I began, my search is over, but of course the battle continues. The spiritual battle comes with human life..the more fierce the battle, the more important the soul to the ‘alien’ side. When one feels a particular opposition to, such as you seem to be feeling now..the internal conflict, then you really are in the midst of spiritual battle. It can be very confusing, misleading and is meant to disguise its intention by placing overwhelming doubt..using a kind of intellectualism that tends to disregard the possibility of God, Satan, Heaven and Hell. This kind of intellectualism can become arrogant, and is meant to do this very thing. The answer here is pure rational simplicity. God does exist. God bless..please keep searching, do not give up, the answer is there wating for you.
Yes, I have read ‘this far’ and your tone sounds genuine and very sensible. You express yourself well, have a sweet spirit and I feel sorry that you’re so confused. However, it’s – as they say – early in the day for you, you are still very young yet, and in this world these things are often confusing when one is at this stage. However, I appreciate your desire for clarity.
Your Jewish background should teach you something here, that no good thing ever comes without much seeking for it and much ‘bearing with’. The Jews are such persistent folk, and it is good in this respect to learn a lesson from them, for they ‘come through’ in many things that the more lazy Gentiles do not! Do not give up, because there is something good out there. That is why the evil one, who is ‘the author of confusion’ would try to put you off.
I suppose the Christian preachers and whatnot are speaking, as it were, to the converted, but I have to say that attitude that you should take everything on their word is very bad and you are right not to accept it. That is what I used to call committing ‘intellectual suicide’. No, you don’t need to do that (I Thess. 5:21).
However, you are very wrong when you say that if God is there, you will believe him if you get a sign. Do not go there. Do not even look for it, for many folk receive ‘signs’ and many of those signs are, indeed, not of God. Not only that, it is a bad thing to base your faith on, it is not ‘solid ground’.
You need good, strong reasons and spiritual conviction and for that I would point you to the Bible. That is always the best place to start – reading it, asking questions, trying to understand what it’s saying. You see, if you read the Bible, seeking the truth, the Spirit of Truth will help you to see what it’s getting at. He is the One who enlightens all the genuine seekers. Indeed, many are ‘taught of God’ in this way that never received very much good from man’s teaching!
Nobody, when seeking to know the truth, ever walks a completely straight path. Sometimes there is a little ‘deviation’ comes in and he wanders off the line, but if he continues to seek genuinely, the Lord will put him back onto that path and show him where he went wrong. That is the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and he deals with us one by one.
One last practical point to help you. Whatever a person says – be he religious or secular – about what he believes is true, you can check that up if you know what the Bible says and how it applies on the matter. Because the Bible is like a kind of ‘mirror’ and you can look in there and see whether a thing is true or false. It is, after still just a book in the matter of reading, and it doesn’t take forever to read it! Of course, you have to keep reading it to get a knowledge of it and have it begin to speak to you.
Also,you can compare it to a ‘yardstick’ by which you can measure every thing, and every spirit, that speaks to you. That is why the Bible is so invaluable, but you will only find that out as you read it, study it and get to know it deeply, which is an act of faith. This is what will open up the truth to you, for the Bible will tell you the difference between right and wrong and truth and error.
If you don’t believe me (and why should you, this is my opinion?) well, the only way you’ll know if I am right is by taking the Bible and doing as I’ve said, for it is God’s ‘manual of life’ and the key to everything. Many people laugh at it and are sceptical (but they do it to their own loss) but also many people have died for its truth and to preserve it, including your own Jewish people, to whom we owe much. They have proved its worth, that it is an inestimable treasure.
You will find that the Bible will in fact prove itself. However, God does not give his ‘pearls’ to everyone and sometimes to understand some things will take a lifetime. God has his reasons – one of them being that he would honour us ‘oldies’ by giving us wisdom in our old age! For He who is wise above all is in charge of his own Word and, from the moment that you set your heart to know and to enquire seriously about these things, it will be known and marked in Heaven and he will help you (Dan.10:12), for such a pursuit is pleasing to God.
Oh, by the way, your gran is not doing right, trying to pressurize you by guilt to get baptized. Baptism is not a ‘magic formula’. Stand fast and do not do anything ‘spiritual’ just to please somebody, it will only give you a bad conscience and make you feel wretched. If and when you ever get baptized, you should do it out of your own conviction, not somebody else’s. Well, you know that, don’t you?
Ok so your Grand Mother could wish for anything. A few more years on earth, freedom from pain, to be young again. She could ask God for an extra 10,20,30,40,50 years on the earth. But the only thing your Grandmother wants is to know that you are ok with Jesus.
That is your sign, God is inviting you into his kingdom he is giving you an opportunity to enter in. The choice is yours he won’t force you. http://www.suncoastcommunity.com
You can go to church on your computer at 10:30 eastern time this morning or any Sunday just click the live broadcast button. No one will hassle you. Just watch and learn. God bless you in your search for Christ.
I suggest you read How to Know God by Deeprak Chopra. That will have a lot of answers you seek.
I don’t know a whole lot about Dallas, but my one of my favorite pastors has a church there if you can find the church called the village church, I would strongly encourage you to go there as soon as possible even today if you can,
God bless