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Are Two Different Bird Niches Capable Of Nesting Two Feet Above Each Other?

or the past two years I’ve had a robin’s nest in a small Colorado Spruce in my front yard. This winter I noticed that there had been two nests all along, one around two feet above the other. I have always seen the Robins guarding the tree from march until migration time, even until now. But today I have been watching a mourning dove flying debris it has collected from my yard in and flying out the tree. The Robin standing on the ground near by, watching. I would rather have robins for pest control reasons. Is it possible they can nest so close with each other?
-I am having a hard time finding the perfect category for this question.

No Responses to “Are Two Different Bird Niches Capable Of Nesting Two Feet Above Each Other?”

  1. Ken B says:

    It sure is possible. As long as the birds aren’t naturally antagonistic. Doves and Robins get along fine and 2′ apart really isn’t that close for nesting birds.

  2. ranger_c says:

    Yes, Both are classed as ledge nesters, meaning they prefer to nest someplace sturdy like a ledge if one is available. Both have been known to nest under the eves of houses if a flat spot is available. When no ledges are available, they will nest in a thicket where the limbs are thick enough to provide the sturdy support they like.
    Doves are very gentle and don’t threaten other birds. They even tame down enough to tolerate people walking past their nest all the time. I have had them nest in hanging flower baskets on the patio and raise a family with my family walking back and forth a couple of feet from the basket. I try to discourage this since the plants in the hangers die from lack of water while I am waiting for the birds to grow up and fly away.
    They nest in the same nest each summer. When the parents die, another pair of doves will refurbish the nest and use it.


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