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How Do I Stop Liking Him; I Don’t Know Why I Do Anyway?

So recently I came to a new school and the Drama Club group kind of became my niche. There were two people who made a really good couple when I came here. Let’s call them Jill and James.
They looked great together as a couple and were almost exactly alike. Now, Jill is my friend and she’s really sweet.
James is one of the best, sweetest guys I think I’ve ever met. He’s had his heart torn out, stomped on, and shredded into a million pieces.
Jill broke up with him after rehearsal today.
And I think, only when I saw him trying not to cry outside the theatre, that this intense emotion washed over me. I had the strongest urge to run over there, put my arms around him, and start crying with him, or at least do something to make him not cry, it was like all I suddenly cared about in the world was him. I tried to talk to him but he was so disgruntled that I backed off.
The more and more I think about it… The more I think I like him and I have for a long time, but I just now realized this.
He’s hilarious, not extremely hot or anything, very, very kind, a talented actor, and overall one of the greatest people I’ve ever met, and now, I really want to ask to go with him to the end of the year dance or something.
I understand that within at least the next two weeks, this would be completely innapropriate. I get it.
My other issues are, he’s extremely thin and I’m about 125 pounds. I don’t feel like this affects anything, but I feel awkward in general with that type of thing.
So my questions are…
A) How can I stop having feelings for James?
B) Should I even bother asking him? I feel so terrible when I see him looking so depressed; it makes me upset.
C) If we DO decide maybe on a relationship of some sort, how can we keep Jill from being too angry? (She’s not really the jealous type, but still.)
Thanks a bunch. 😉

No Responses to “How Do I Stop Liking Him; I Don’t Know Why I Do Anyway?”

  1. theunbre says:

    A) Stop thinking about him and avoid all contact with him.
    B) If you want to stop having feelings for him, you got to not ask him.
    C) You obviously don’t want a relationship with him because you want to stop having feelings with him.
    I really don’t understand your line of thought. You want to stop having feelings for him but you’re asking about asking him out.

  2. Janene says:

    I used to feel that way the love just happened but sometimes u get over it it took me 8 months but if it’s something strong go for it I’m In the same position but give James some time he just broke up idk if he’s ready to be with someone again that fast but let him know I’ll always be there and Jill was the one who broke up with him but there’s that little urge of jealousy or like how in the world was he mine then IRS but not completely mad cuz they r over it but like u said she’s super nice and if she broke up with him make sure it was final so nothin bad stirs up u could always tell her but make sure they r completely over each other first
    Good luck 🙂 u seem like a very nice person


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