I’ve started like, five or six equestrian centers on the Howrse.com game, and they always fail (I run out of money). I try to be careful about what I buy but just getting the necessities run me down to below 1,000 Equus! I can’t buy passes or anything, so I can’t get the big meadows or other things from the Secret Market …
Basically I’m looking for some tips on how to run my equestrian center cheaply, and make some money too, instead of just spending it all and ending up with a crappy center, which is what usually happens.
Restart if you’re low on money.Then, get a Greenhouse.Plant Turnips because they get you tons of money.Keep planting Turnips and selling them.You’ll get a lot of money.Then buy all the things you need for the EC and plant every type of seeds to get mashes.Have at least 50 Health Mashes and 1000 carrots.Get about 10 or 20 boxes for starters.Don’t buy exactly all the boxes – waste money-.Plant Flax for bedding.Make your competitions and lessons.Don’t buy showers until you probably got over 100,000/200,000 money in ya EC.Get FERTILE meadows not the one that looks bright sh*t.Make sure the acres is more than the boxes for the horses.Make sure everything is 100% ready to go