I have made some money with Clickbank by affiliating fullmovies.com. I however do not like fullmovies but it is the best I can find on Clickbank. I need to promote something that will make me more money. I tried Amazon.com but I was not making any money plus it is very easy to miss commissions on Amazon. Please do not tell me to use adsense. Instead of directing me to a network please direct me to a specific product I can promote then tell me the network which hosts it. I need something better than Clickbank please
Offer your own advertising. Place a square image with something like, “Advertise Here” or “1000 movie lovers can be viewing your ad per day,” then place your e-mail below so people can inquire about the pricing. Be fair with the pricing, though. Perhaps $20 for 30 days, $40 for two months, etc.
Good luck!
i think lurane R is right