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Why Do Republicans Create Great Depressions?

Historical facts prove that republican policies create record deficits, record debts and economic disaster.
Both our great depressions were at the end of long-term republican control:
Jan 1920-1932 = Entire republican government = Great Depression 1
Jan 2001-2007 = Entire republican government = Great Depression 2
Republicans controlled the entire govt for 6 years and created a disaster which they blame on Obama.
Between Jan 20, 2001-2009…under Bush’s policies of deregulation, lax regulation enforcement, corporate welfare and a 15% tax rate on stock profits for wealthy people:
Gasoline tripled from 1.44 to 4.11 per gallon (peaked July 2008)
Unemployment skyrocketed 80% from 4.2% to 7.8%…8.2% Obama’s first full month
Dow Jones stock market plunged 25% from 10,587 to 7,949
Budget went from a 236 billion surplus to a 1.3 TRILLION deficit (a 1.5 trillion drop)
National debt doubled from 5.7 trillion to 10.6 trillion (a 4.9 trillion increase)
Borrowed 2.5 trillion for tax cuts for mostly wealthy people
Borrowed a trillion dollars for two fake wars (all hijackers were from saudi arabia)
Borrowed a trillion dollars for Medicare part D which outlawed govt bulk discounts
Trillions in secret Federal Reserve loans to prop up wall street
USA losing 700,000 jobs monthly – unemployment rate growing 1% every 6 weeks
Economy in total freefall
This is called “common sense conservative government”
Obama inherited a total disaster and it will not be fixed overnight

No Responses to “Why Do Republicans Create Great Depressions?”

  1. The Blunt Ugly Truth says:

    Because they want us all to be miserable like they are.

  2. Ranger The funk Up says:

    2001 – 2007 we were not in a depression. Don’t accuse me of being a Bush lover that gets brain ****** by FOX.. I had plenty of complaints about the guy but that is a lie.
    And Woodrow Wilson and Herbert Hoover were some of the worst presidents in history .. Next to Jimma
    Because they were “PROGRESSIVES” look it up. its all there.

  3. slew says:

    YOu realize you are being disrespectful towards those who really suffered the problems of the great depression. Most of you who over exagerate are young who whine about the slight hardship. Frankly if you look at some statistics, the 70’s was worse. The only statistic that made this recession worse then the one in the 70;s it’s slightly longer , but that is partly because Obama made it longer. New articles are now saying they fear that we are headign towards 70’s style stagflation. The reason why people complain so much is thast the generation y don’t remember how bad the other recession were.

  4. Joe in texas says:

    When George Bush and the Republicans ran the country unemployment was 5% and we experienced 51 months of continuous economic growth.
    When Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took over congress after the 2006 election, that’s when things started to go down.
    The Democrats were only in control for two years when the market crashed.
    Obama’s recession is a Democrat caused recession.
    This is what you get when a party clings to power using class hatred and then demonizes private enterprise.

  5. McNamara says:

    “common sense conservative government”? WTF? Were you even here for the last few years of the Bush administration? Have you seriously read NOTHING AT ALL about Herbert Hoover and his policies? Hoover was so progressive that FDR borrowed and expanded on his policies.


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