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My Wife’s Doc Want To Schedule A C-section For Our Breech Baby 2 Weeks From Now, 1 Week Before Due Date…..?

if I changed to another in-network doctor in another practice, but still affiliated with the same hospital, will the insurance company come back and bill me any different or will there be any sort of ‘changing doctor’ fee?
I don’t agree with our current doctor that we should perform a C-section on our breech baby 1 week before due date. That just tells me that the doctor doesn’t have time for our baby to be ready, which isn’t cool with me.

No Responses to “My Wife’s Doc Want To Schedule A C-section For Our Breech Baby 2 Weeks From Now, 1 Week Before Due Date…..?”

  1. Pippin says:

    Planned sections are usually scheduled around 39 weeks. This reduces the chance that you’ll go into labor on your own. (Which could result in a more rushed section, or risk to mother or baby if labor progresses very rapidly.)

  2. spam says:

    The doctor probably doesn’t,t want your baby to go into labor. Thats why she scheduled the csection. A baby born 1 week early will still be healthy. Lots of women go into labor weeks early. This is not just your doctor a lot of doctors do the same thing.

  3. TyTy says:

    Babies are able to be born up to 3 weeks before the due date. Having a breeched baby can cause serious problems, and the insurrance will charge you. If the baby stays in for to long there and be pressure on him/her and cause brain damage and spine problems. Watch leah on teen mom! Her baby was breeched and now has damage to her body! Its about the baby NOT YOU! Pretty sure the doc knows whats up. He isnt going to lose his license or do anything to risk it. Trust the professional.

  4. Tired and Cranky says:

    you can get a second opinion but how insurance bills you is up to insurane and you would have to consult them to get a true answer.
    as for the c-section breech births can pose a lot of problems for baby and mommy which is why the doctor would recommend a c-section. the c-section is scheduled a week before the due date because the doctors don’t want your wife to go into labor because if she goes into labor it can cause problems. its NOT because the doctor doesn’t have time for the baby to be ready. technically at 37 weeks a baby is considered full term with fully developed lungs and can survive outside the womb.
    don’t jump to conclusions here you should talk to your doctor before assuming why he is doing what he is doing. ANY scheduled c-section is scheduled at least 4 to 7 days BEFORE the due date to avoid going into labor.

  5. Proud mommy of a beautiful girl, says:

    You will need to contact your insurance company to find out whether they would pay for you to go to another doctor but so long as the second doctor charges the same price and is affiliated with the same hospital then I don’t think there is any reason why they wouldn’t pay.
    Just a word on your concern about the doctor: Of course if you are not happy then you must go with your gut instinct and change. However, most c-sections are performed 1 to 2 weeks before the actual due date. It has nothing to do with the doctor not “having time for the baby to be ready”.
    It is more about the doctor making sure your wife doesn’t go into labor and causing an emergency situation whereby either the baby ends up being born vaginally with huge issues or having to have an emergency c-section which is a lot more traumatic for the mother.
    You can be rest assured that babies are born happy and healthy at 36 weeks onwards so being born at 39 weeks, your baby is pretty much as ready and it’ll ever be to be born. The only difference of a week is a few grams in weight.
    My daughter was born at 38 weeks via c-section and she was healthy and happy (didn’t even go into an incubator) so if that is the only reason you are not happy with your doctor then maybe you should reconsider.
    Good luck!

  6. Nonnie22 says:

    Your first poster is correct. There’s no reason to run the risk that your wife will go into labor when it will clearly end up with a c-section. It’s often done and has nothing to do with the doctor’s time.
    I think you should do what this physician recommends. You’d feel like a fool if you changed doctors and got the same recommendation (and you would). Try to be a little more trusting about the man or woman who will hold two very precious people’s lives in his or her hands! It’ll make you a lot more “cool”.


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