The lie .That…her dad came to the US with her as an 8 years old. He spoke no English, had only $700 in his pocket & worked odd jobs. SORRY, who is dumb enough to believe such a story. The US Embassy would never ever issue a visa to any applicants in such situation. The truth. She was sponsored by a wealthy tennis CEO, helped in bringing her & her father to the US, housed them in a wealthy/rich home, put her through the academy & helped/helping her (in secret) in draws & the rise in tennis.
It is well know that this is a common secret practice. Powerful tennis organizers search all over the world (especially Eastern Europe) for young beautiful girls that play tennis from poor families with the promise of a better life, rich and fame, for a cut ( a percentage) in their future winnings. Remember the scandal between Ion Tiriac & Boris Becker .Usually those powerful sponsors search for pretty blonde girls from poor families. Easy prey. The catch. It is easy to market ” beauty ” and make a lot of money doing so. People love a ” beautiful champion “, …even if it is a fake one.
yes please cite your sources!
OK, who is this wealthy “CEO” that you know so much about? Tell us more

As I recall, Tiriac’s relationship with Boris Becker started *after* Boris became a Wimbledon Champion at age 17, but I could be wrong.
If you have any sources, please post them. Always interesting to learn something new
Well, she wasn’t a pretty blonde girl when she was 8. She was a child. As for the kind of people who come to the US, have you ever heard of a lottery Visa? It allows unskilled people to migrate to the US. Could that have been it? I wouldn’t jump to any conclusion before investigating it. Please cite your sources.
I believe it I just don’t think its something that you can lie and get away with it and if you don’t believe than **** off.
Who knows if it could be true!
But its really none of our business.