In order for a speciman to fossilize conditions must be seemingly perfect to allow this process to occur. You say we were created in gods image so we can’t be the descendants of apes yet the fossils we HAVE found suggest nothing to the contrary yt this evidence is completely dismissed. Also for those of you whose argument is solely then why are there still apes around then or why hasn’t every animal evolved to be as “smart” as we I have both answers. To the first speciation. Other animals will sometimes split off from another species and form their own this can be due to change in demography gene pool and natural occurance such as an earthquake that separates the group allowing them to continue to evolve separately. This Is supported by all the different races of humaniy, although we have become differnt species we did evolve to fit our differenb environments also neandrathal man provide an example of when two groups of which evolved from a common answer split and became to separate species probably in the first migration out of Africa. As the first group left they evolved in neandrathol while this who remained in Africa stay and became modern humans. During the second migration we competed heavily with the neandrthals and eventually drove them to extinction. This is also an explanatisecondly second answer, ecological niche, a simplistic definition meaning that two animal that share an exact niche cannot compete for the resource and one will eventually become extinct. In addition to neandrthals This can be evidenced by countless other cases of extinction. Being blunt, I would be stupid for a species to evolve as we did bc we would outcompete them for resources and they would eventually go extinct. Also a common mistake is to believe evolution happens over night when in fact it occurs over thousands of generations only eventually leading to an observable outcome. This is why we research evolution in species with short generation spans such as bacteria
because, as you state in your question…. it is ‘evidence’.
We don’t have to anymore. DNA evidence is quite enough to demonstrate common ancestry.
Because it is evidence…
and tangible perhaps
Because the fossil evidence completely supports evolution, but evolution would still have overwhelming evidence even if there were no fossils.
umm, what would you call it…?
Biological evolution is about genetics, not fossils and it has never been about fossils.
Evidence. Not “proof,” evidence.
Fossils are one of many lines of evidence showing how things happened in the past. Seems pretty simple and obvious to me.
It shows the progress of transtion from species to species
The theory of evolution is just a theory. If there was PROOF it would be a law not a theory. They are only seeing it as evidence, that’s it, not proof.
Also why do religious people see a book as proof of God? Why do you see existence as proof of God? Why do you see random events (miracles) as proof of God? Why do you see stories that make mo logical sense as proof of God?
Stop being a hypocrit.
several thousands of years and humans haven’t physically changed in the slightest. humans don’t evolve, we only get smarter.
Because we look for evidence wherever we can find it.
Not just for evolution but for TRUTH.
TRUTH is important!!
Evolution can occur over night, that is, in one generation of mutation. That may explain the absence of fossil evidence of some “missing links.”
That’s all fine,but questions about evolution go in the biology/zoology section.
be you supporter or denier,the same rules apply.